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更新:原文已将“分众传媒FMCN”更新为“福建分众传媒”(也就是中国高速频道CCME) “An earlier version of the article stated that Jim Chanos was short Focus Media Holding Limited (NYSE:FMCN), the book states that he is short China MediaExpress Holdings Inc (PINK:CCME), which has now been rectified. The author of this article spoke to sources who believe that Chanos is short FMCN, but we could not confirm it.)”
2012-05-23 07:33
(i美股讯)5月23日上午消息, 周二分众传媒小幅低开后稳步走高,午盘突然跳水暴跌,跌幅一度超过8%,此后处于低位盘整,截止收盘跌幅3.5%报21.22美元,当日成交量较日均量209万翻番至494万。美东时间周二午间,此前针对分众发表做空报告的Muddy Wate... 网页链接