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微软会在其投资者关系网站披露其部分业务数据, 这也是投资人了解微软数据最好的窗口









1. Commercial (Includes commercial portion of LinkedIn)

2. Productivity and Business Processes and Intelligent Cloud

3. More Personal Computing

4. Microsoft Financials & others


上述四部分数据中Commercial (Includes commercial portion of LinkedIn)和Microsoft Financials & others主要是公司整体的业务和财务数据, 其它两部分则是产品数据



一. Commercial (Includes commercial portion of LinkedIn):主要包含整体商业订单数据


l Commercial bookings growth:商业合同预订量增长速度

l Commercial remaining performance obligation::客户提前支付的,不可退还,但还没确认的收入,是未来收入的蓄水池

l Commercial revenue annuity mix:商业收入中年金收入比例

l Microsoft Cloud revenue:微软云业务收入

l Microsoft Cloud gross margin percentage:云业务毛利率


二. Productivity and Business Processes and Intelligent Cloud

l Office Commercial products and cloud services revenue growth:office 商业产品和云服务收入增速

l Office Consumer products and cloud services revenue growth :office 消费级产品和云服务收入增速

l Office 365 Commercial seat growth:office 365商业坐席增速

l Microsoft 365 Consumer subscribers :个人版office 365订阅数量

l Dynamics products and cloud services revenue growth。 Dynamics产品和云服务收入增速

l LinkedIn revenue growth : linkedin收入增速

l Server products and cloud services revenue growth:服务器产品和云服务收入增速

l Azure revenue growth:Azure 收入增速



三. More Personal Computing: 个人计算机业务


l Windows OEM revenue growth:windows OEM 业务收入增速(主要是通过PC厂商卖的windows收入增速)

l Windows Commercial products and cloud services revenue growth:windows 商业和云业务收入增速

l Surface revenue growth: surface收入增速

l Xbox content and services revenue growth:xbox内容和服务收入增速

l Search and news advertising revenue (ex TAC) growth:搜索和广告收入增速


四:Microsoft Financials & others


l Operating income by segment:分部门运营利润

l Operating income change year over year by segment:分部门运营利润变化

l Capital expenditures:资本支出

l Capital expenditures as a percentage of revenue:资本支出占收入比例

l Shareholder return through dividends and share repurchases:通过股票回购和分红给股东的回报

l Revenue:收入

l Earnings Per Share:每股收益

l Quarterly Income Statements:季度收益

l Segment History:业务业绩历史

l Yearly Income Statements:年度收入情况