发布于: 雪球转发:1回复:1喜欢:0
哎,看看人家怎么说的...We started with China not because Chinese companies are engaged in more fraud than Western companies, but because they are less apt at covering their tracks. China is new to capitalism, and Chinese managers are new to stealing money from the capital markets. But give them a few more years and they will learn how to hide their improprieties just as well as their Western counterparts. After all, China’s specialty isn’t manufacturing – it’s copying.
2012-07-03 05:04


PeterUCLA2012-07-05 14:17

这段含金量高! //@Ricky: 哎,看看人家怎么说的...We started with China not because Chinese companies are engaged in more fraud than Western companies, but because they are less apt at covering their tracks. China is new to capitalism, and Chinese managers are new to stealing mone