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回复 @黑土: 真是他家的软件的一大优点;虽然主要模式是freemium model ,但是也有不少忠实用户愿意为他们的增值服务付费,论坛是他们很好的口碑营销渠道,是AVAST的重要资产之一;他们还准备用论坛做些货币化的尝试寻找到一些新的增长点Increase monetization of our broader user community. We believe that the size and loyalty of our user community provides us with significant monetization opportunities. We intend to continue to explore appropriate opportunities to generate revenue from our community through our distribution arrangements with third-parties, such as Google, and through our value-added solutions, such as a solution for credit protection and against identity theft as well as a solution for storing users' files online for backup.
2011-12-21 23:55
(i美股讯)北京时间12月21日消息,捷克安全软件公司Avast Software 今日向SEC提交IPO申请,发行价未定,预计融资2亿美元.Avast Software总部位于捷克布拉格,拥有超过100名专业人员,产品提供超过30种语言,拥有142,025,258 使用用户和 187,313,421... 网页链接