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What’s really happening is that Color’s engineering team — about 20 people, comprising almost the entire company — is being “acqhired” by Apple at what’s being called a “nominal” price of something like $2 million to $5 million, according to multiple sources familiar with both sides of the situation. To repeat, there are no “double-digit” millions involved, according to many people familiar with the deal.

Apple is not buying Color’s technology, intellectual property, domain names or liabilities.
2012-10-19 10:51
这也能卖出去哈 // $苹果(AAPL)$ 传苹果将收购图片分享社交网络Color “苹果为什么要收购Color?可能是因为专利,他们或许可以利用其中一些文件格式专利来录制高清视频。Color在融资时表示,该公司有6项专利正在申请,包括“弹性”社交图谱,以及与GPS定位和节能相关的专利。” 网页链接


阿猫阿狗082012-10-19 13:49
