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$英唐智控(SZ300131)$ What is the reasonable range of this one's P/E? Depend on the logic in your mind, various logic would carry out different results. When mentioning this one,P/E from 10 to 200 is all u could get with logic.


wbzjh2021-04-16 08:15


L2R33Y2NOPCS2021-04-16 07:24

Looking forward to a good show, after the announcement last night.

wbzjh2021-04-15 17:05


长安20162021-04-15 10:02

英唐智控(SZ300131)的合理范围是多少P / E ?根据你头脑中的逻辑,不同的逻辑会得到不同的结果。当提到这个时,从10到200的市盈率是你能得到的所有逻辑。