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$第九城市(NCTY)$ 变相增发和稀释股本440万,这个有法律的约束没有?原股民是否有同比例的配送?否则,即使九城的市值涨十倍,朱骏来个十倍的员工激励,广大投资者不是白忙乎了?需要仔细琢磨,而且在imeigu这儿我没找到上一个半年的公告,被信息淹没了?有意无意的忽略了?


Al20092011-08-20 04:04


kevin_zyc_yahoo2011-08-19 03:57

From my experience, it is never a problem, maybe it is the perfect system of US stock market, which always encourage the sharing benefits between management and stock holders. If the stock is diluted too much, the price of the stock will go down a lot, so nobody will benefits.