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//@汤诗语: 回复@加肥猫DeAdventure: 你还真别笑,还真有机构这么解释的。英国统计局在解释4月份英国GDP负增长、尤其服务业制造业负增长时说,这是因为新冠检测取消了:April was the first time all main sectors of the economy - services, manufacturing and production - had shrunk since January 2021. The ONS said the main driver of April's contraction was in the services sector, due to the winding down of the NHS's Covid Test and Trace operation.//@加肥猫DeAdventure:回复@汤诗语:真要吧核算当做gdp,那确实是赢了[大笑]
2022-07-02 15:36