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$诺贝尔能源(NBL)$ 母公司被收购了,对$Noble Midstream(NBLX)$ 什么影响?
2020-07-20 18:54
【行情】诺贝尔能源盘前涨超10%,雪佛龙将以每股10.38美元的价格通过全股票交易收购该公司。$雪佛龙(CVX)$ $诺贝尔能源(NBL)$ (来自美港电讯APP)


i冷空气2020-07-21 08:14


波波农场主2020-07-21 07:22

因为是MLP类型的公司 大部分收入需要分红给持股人(合伙人)  我人在美国 MLP类型的股息投资人是可以延迟报税的  所以持有越久收益越大  可以股息再投资. 它的历史股息 当然很多股票有股息陷阱一说 分红 就意味着 市值减少. 还是看公司基本面 nblx的基本面不错 

i冷空气2020-07-21 06:49


等着解套呢2020-07-21 00:57


波波农场主2020-07-21 00:08

1 nblx有优先购买nbl剩余mid asset的权利. 
2. 如果交易成功 最大的顾客 将是及其稳定的Chevron 未来稳定而美好
3. 风险是半路杀出陈咬金 比如上次的西方石油

nblx 这个股 我是打算长期持有吃利息的 对我的策略是利好

波波农场主2020-07-21 00:05

So whatNoble Midstream is a partnership created by Noble Energy (NASDAQ:NBL) to own and operate midstream energy assets, specifically pipelines. Noble Energy is the general partner, meaning it runs the partnership, and has a roughly 45% interest in Noble Midstream. All of this is relevant today because Noble Midstream's long-term growth is tied to the prospects for Noble Energy and the assets that the energy company is likely to sell to it (known as a dropdown in the industry). Specifically, Noble Midstream has the right of first refusal (ROFR) for five of Noble Energy's midstream assets.
On July 20, integrated oil giant Chevron announced that it was buying Noble Energy in an all-stock deal worth $5 billion. Noble Midstream isn't directly involved in this acquisition. But assuming the deal is consummated as planned, it would mean that Noble Midstream will end up being run by one of the largest and strongest energy companies in the world. That materially increases the likelihood that Noble Midstream's future will be a good one.  
There are a great many things that could happen from here, so the Chevron/Noble Energy deal itself probably isn't the best reason to buy Noble Midstream, even if it hints at a brighter future for the partnership. That's especially true given the swift unit-price advance of Noble Midstream in early trading. Indeed, the last time Chevron tried to buy a company, it was eventually outbid and the "winner" (Occidental Petroleum) ended up struggling to carry the debt it took on. If that were to happen here, then Noble Midstream's outlook would likely end up decidedly worse than it was prior to Chevron's announcement. Another option is that the deal simply falls through, which would leave Noble Midstream back where it started. Most investors should probably accept that they've missed the big gains here and reevaluate the name when Chevron's bid to buy Noble Energy has closed.

波波农场主2020-07-20 23:56

好问题 @虎落平阳喵喵喵 @密西西笔盒 @小泽爸爸 @黑色面包 早上我也看到新闻了

买股票太难了2020-07-20 19:35
