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Your story may not have such a happy begging, but that doesn't make you who you are.It is the rest of the story, who you choose to be!(Kong fu Panda 2)Be Yourself!
2011-10-10 23:20
永驻记忆的乔爷 网页链接 那天也不知道怎么就那么精神,大半夜的睡不着觉,拿着手机窝在丽江的一家小客栈中盯着微博看Apple发布会的直播,是否有iPhone5的消息不太关键,只是想看看发布会还会不会有乔爷的风格,或者乔爷会不会突然出现在发布会上。看完发布会草草睡去,没想到过...


大道无形我有型2011-10-11 11:32

: Your story may not have such a happy beginning, but that doesn't make you who you are.It is the rest of the story, who you choose to be!(Kong Fu Panda 2)Be Yourself!

梁剑2011-10-11 11:21

who you choose to be![哈哈] //@大道无形我有型: Your story may not have such a happy begging, but that doesn't make you who you are.It is the rest of the story, who you choose to be!(Kong fu Panda 2)Be Yourself!