巴菲特致股东的信 2016 - 2 开场词

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To the Shareholders of Berkshire Hathaway Inc.:


Berkshire’s gain in net worth during 2016 was $27.5 billion, which increased the per-share book value of both our Class A and Class B stock by 10.7%. Over the last 52 years (that is, since present management took over), per-share book value has grown from $19 to $172,108, a rate of 19% compounded annually.*


During the first half of those years, Berkshire’s net worth was roughly equal to the number that really counts: the intrinsic value of the business. The similarity of the two figures existed then because most of our resources were deployed in marketable securities that were regularly revalued to their quoted prices (less the tax that would be incurred if they were to be sold). In Wall Street parlance, our balance sheet was then in very large part “marked to market.”


By the early 1990s, however, our focus was changing to the outright ownership of businesses, a shift that materially diminished the relevance of balance sheet figures. That disconnect occurred because the accounting rules (commonly referred to as “GAAP”) that apply to companies we control differ in important ways from those used to value marketable securities. Specifically, the accounting for businesses we own requires that the carrying value of “losers” be written down when their failures become apparent. “Winners,” conversely, are never revalued upwards.


We’ve experienced both outcomes: As is the case in marriage, business acquisitions often deliver surprises after the “I do’s.” I’ve made some dumb purchases, paying far too much for the economic goodwill of companies we acquired. That later led to goodwill write-offs and to consequent reductions in Berkshire’s book value. We’ve also had some winners among the businesses we’ve purchased – a few of the winners very big – but have not written those up by a penny.

这带来了两个结果:和婚姻类似,业务收购经常会在“我愿意”的承诺之后带来意想不到的事情。我做过一些很傻的收购,为此支付了过高的商誉溢价。这导致了后续的商誉减值和伯克希尔账面价值的减损。我们收购的公司中也有一些胜利者 - 有些胜利者体量巨大 - 但是从未将其价值往上多评一分。

We have no quarrel with the asymmetrical accounting that applies here. But, over time, it necessarily widens the gap between Berkshire’s intrinsic value and its book value. Today, the large – and growing – unrecorded gains at our winners produce an intrinsic value for Berkshire’s shares that far exceeds their book value. The overage is truly huge in our property/casualty insurance business and significant also in many other operations.

我们对这些非对称的会计准则并无抱怨。但是随着时间的流逝,其必然会扩大伯克希尔内在价值和账面价值的差异。今天,我们那些胜利者公司所具有的巨大的 - 还在增长中的 - 未记录的收益给伯克希尔股票带来了远超过其账面价值的内在价值。这个溢价部分在我们的财产/意外险业务中尤为明显,在很多其他业务里面也很重大。

Over time, stock prices gravitate toward intrinsic value. That’s what has happened at Berkshire, a fact explaining why the company’s 52-year market-price gain – shown on the facing page – materially exceeds its book-value gain.

随着时间的逝去,股票价格和内在价值会趋同。这在伯克希尔得到了印证:公司52年的股票价格收益 - 如首页所示 - 超过其账面价值体现的收益很多。

* All per-share figures used in this report apply to Berkshire’s A shares. Figures for the B shares are 1/1500th of those shown for A.
