06/20 Wright to sell implants biz to MicroPort for $290 mln

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$微创医疗(00853)$ $Wright Medical Group(WMGI)$
06/20 Wright Medical to sell implants business to MicroPort for $290 mln

June 19 | Wed Jun 19, 2013 7:01pm EDT

(Reuters) - Wright Medical Group Inc said on Wednesday it will sell its hip and knee implants business to a unit of MicroPort Scientific Corp for $290 million in cash.

Wright's OrthoRecon business generated about $269 million in revenue for 2012 and proceeds from the sale will be used to further growth in its Extremity ankle and biologic segment.

The medical device maker said it expects about $235 million to $240 million of revenue in 2013 for its Extremity segment and will revise its previously issued outlook.


2013-06-20 17:28



2013-06-20 14:56


2013-06-20 14:08


2013-06-20 13:48


2013-06-20 13:08

2013-06-20 11:52

Wright 卖了关节, 保留踝骨和生物部门, 235million是踝骨部门的指引

这个级别的成功并购表明微创有中国最优秀的并购团队之一和西方资源. 行为和信用得到了国际上的认可. 进入了主流俱乐部.  可以同迈瑞最新的并购相提并论

2013-06-20 11:24

这个很厉害.  强生第一个会慌, 钱博士会很庆幸自己的决定, 史赛克也会噩梦连连