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$达乐(DG)$ $甲骨文(ORCL)$ $DINO POLSKA S A(DNOPY)$ #跑马圈地# 

PS 2007年伯克希尔股东大会上午场,芒格提到Sandy Gottesman会问这样一个简单的问题: 你持有什么(资产),为什么持有?原文:“When a young man comes to Sandy, he asks a very simple question, no matter how young the man is. He says, “What do you own and why do you own it?” And if you haven’t been interested enough in the subject to have that involvement already, why, he’d rather you go somewhere else."

这不禁让我想起John Train在写一个投资大师时,(不好意思我忘了名字),这位大师提及他和巴菲特见面的时候,巴菲特第一句话就问他:”最近买了啥?“但是反过来,当他问巴菲特买了什么的时候,巴菲特不告诉他。


2023-06-25 11:04
