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Jeff Bezos: Amazon buys a lot of companies. Usually there's much smaller than Wholde Foods, but we buy a bunch of companies every year and I'm always trying to assess what I meet with the entrepreneur who founded the company. I'm always trying to figure out one thing first and foremost is that person is a missionary or a mercenary. And the mercenaries are trying to flip their stock. The missionaries love their product or their service and love their customer and trying to build a great service . By the way, the great paradox here is that's usually the missionaries who make more moeny and you can tell really quickly just by talking to peope and when I met John Machay who's the founder of Whole Food. It's a missionary company. He's a missionary guy and so what we're gonna be able to do is to take some of our resources, some of our technical technological know-how and expand the Whole Foods mission. They have a great mission which is to bring nourishing food to everybody,orgnanic nourishing food to everybody.

$沃森生物(SZ300142)$  沃森是一个有missionary的公司吗?--让人人生而健康。李云春和黄镇他们俩人是属于missionary guys吗?当然是的,不然也不会花15年时间自主研发13价肺炎疫苗。看了第一财经《时代追光者:张磊》节目中对张磊的采访,我觉得这次沃森H股的发行,高瓴肯定会投的。高瓴投了以后不仅仅带来资金,而且还带来战略和国际化的视野,甚至是运营管理理念的提升。
