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$比亚迪(SZ002594)$ 比亚迪交付给荷兰Keolis的246台电动bus遇到如下的问题:加热器损坏、驾驶室弯曲、驾驶室通风、震动引起的方向盘向左或向右拉动。




Issues are rising (for the second time) with BYD electric bus fleet operating in the Netherlands. The operator Keolis «is going to check all 246 electric buses for the second time and solve problems». The news is reported on specialized Dutch media PV Magazine, and is based on a report by the newspaper De Stentor.

«Keolis drivers are fed up with the constant problems with the buses, that have been going on for a year now», PV Magazine reads. A driver is quoted as saying so: «Yes, Keolis solves problems. But when twenty have been solved, fifty more are added».

BYD e-buses, issues to be fixed

The issues include broken heaters, driver’s chairs that are crooked, draughty driver’s cabs, vibrating steering wheels pulling to the left or right.

Keolis has been struggling with vehicle problems since the 246 electric buses entered service in IJssel-Vecht last in December 2020, the Dutch magazine adds. In the first few months, buses even spontaneously stopped, but that has now been fixed.

Trade unions FNV and CNV have reportedly sent a letter to the management of the transport company, threatening to take «further action» if the problems won’t be fixed by 4 January. According to FNV board member Marijn van der Gaag, «Drivers are scared every morning when they get on the bus, wondering what’s broken down now». Keolis spokeswoman Lotte Hendriksen has answered: «We too would prefer all problems to be solved today rather than tomorrow. But that deadline is not realistic».

Now the buses will be checked again by the supplier. OV Magazine reports: «In January BYD will deliver the first two buses, which Keolis and the drivers will be allowed to evaluate themselves. If they are satisfied, all other buses will be modified in the same way. BYD will also change “a number of things in its own organisation”, according to the internal memo».


2022-01-06 10:53


2022-01-06 09:22
