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$黑莓(BBRY)$ 又仔细看了一遍 earning call transcrpt, JC提到其实只有部分PP记入本次财报,(因为入账方法的原因)所以看来PP记入下次财报,同理Classic会记入下下次财报。看来这也许是市场没有那么担忧Revenue和股价反弹的原因啦!


2014-12-23 08:43

earning call transcrpt从哪里看啊

2014-12-20 11:19

原话是这么说的: we are able to fulfill about 200,000 passport orders that we preordered at the time we annouced it,.......we were only able to fulfill order backlog of Q3 by December 12, so that was cleary already in Q4, ....so not every one of those units, in fact most of those units revenue are not recoginzed in Q3, and we obviously will recognize as they lead up in throughout the next few quarters.

2014-12-20 10:01

只算200台?!也不说卖了多少台PP 这是不是成心的让投资者不要老拿营收说事?