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回复@天能翻身: 算了一下,cote的指引2024产量是220-290koz,AISC是1100-1200,加上60%的权益,平均下就是总得ASIC是1400多一点,这个就很正常了,这股看头也就cote这个矿了//@天能翻身:回复@洋芋CN:Operating guidance for the year is unchanged. Attributable gold production, excluding Côté Gold, for 2024 is
expected to be in the range of 430,000 to 490,000 ounces, with cash costs per ounce sold for Essakane and Westwood to be between $1,280 and $1,400 per ounce sold and AISC expected to be in the range of $1,780 to
$1,940 per ounce sold.
2024-05-12 12:00
$Iamgold(IAG)$ 哈哈感觉这个成为我的新心头好了[呲牙] 感觉比$New Gold(NGD)$$哈莫尼黄金(HMY)$ 都便宜

