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04-14 13:58

#1 - The straight-line distance between the China-North Korea-Russia tripoint and Sanya (the southernmost Chinese coastal city, excluding the 9-Dash Line in the SCS) is more than 3300 kilometers long. This means that China's Pacific Frontier is absolutely MASSIVE, both in terms of scale and depth.
Therefore, the probability of which enemy standoff missiles would be able to get close to the Chinese coastline, if not outright crossing the coastline/border and fly directly over Chinese territory is definitely non-zero.
Hence, there's actually nothing wrong for the PLAAF and PLANAF to have J-10A/B/Cs, and J-11B(G)s to intercept enemy standoff missiles - Especially with the bulk of the more modern fighter fleets (J-16s and J-20s) doing the heavy lifting of directly fighting against the enemy aerial forces located further away from the Chinese coastline.

04-12 14:05


04-12 10:22
