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回复@FlyPAI: 大手笔!赞了这么多年一共66个,这一下全都要扩建,还在新建100个,产业趋势超乎想象啊!未来AI数字世界,这个需求只能是上不封顶啊,就像我上学的时候用32MB优盘,感觉够大了,那时候谁能想到现在硬盘都是T的。结合竞争结构的变化和技术的变化,真是前途无量啊!//@FlyPAI:回复@FlyPAI:$应用光电(AAOI)$ $Arista Networks(ANET)$
老拉里说Oracle 要扩建现有66个数据中心,为了满足客户需求不得不新建100个数据中心。接下来几个星期要宣布大订单。
一个Oracle都如此大的量,$应用光电(AAOI)$ 是Oracle的一供。
The demand for Oracle's Cloud Infrastructure and Generative AI is consistently increasing quarter after quarter. Oracle's total remaining performance obligations, or RPO, has now reached $65 billion, slightly more than our annual revenue. In response to this sharply increasing demand, Oracle is in the process of expanding 66 of our existing cloud data centers and building 100 new cloud data centers. We have to build 100 additional cloud data centers because there are billions of dollars more in contracted demand than we currently can supply. Cloud Infrastructure demand is huge and growing at an unprecedented rate. In the next few weeks, we expect to sign a couple more billion dollar Cloud Infrastructure contracts.
2023-12-16 04:45
$甲骨文(ORCL)$ Oracle被严重低估,业务负载数据库的粘性是极强的,AI对产品个性化定制的效率提高了非常多,接下来将极大改善Oracle和Microsoft 等巨头服务长尾客户的能力................虽然大家觉得这老家伙们不够酷,明年进入降息通道Oracle之前buyout的财务成本也会下去.......


2023-12-20 03:05

是的 Oracle 5000亿市值还是看得见的