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low cost 摆脱糟糕业务的重要性 !

Now there is a part of life which is, how do you scramble out of your mistakes without them costing too much? And we’ve done some of that too.

 If you look at Berkshire Hathaway, think of its founding businesses. A doomed department store, doomed New England textile company, and a doomed trading stamp company.

 Out of that came Berkshire Hathaway. Now we handled those losing hands pretty well when we bought into them very cheaply. But of course the success came from changing our ways and getting into the better businesses.

 It isn’t that we were so good at doing things that were difficult. We were good at avoid things that were difficult. Finding things that are easy.

$建发股份(SH600153)$ $物产中大(SH600704)$ $厦门国贸(SH600755)$