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From Charlie Munger sat down with CNBC’s Becky Quick on November 14, 2023 in Los Angeles, CA in a special interview to commemorate his soon-to-come 100th birthday. “Charlie Munger: A Life of Wit and Wisdom”
1. You give people in life is pretty basic stuff. But if you follow it, it’s really excellent advice. I think your first one is, is have low expectations. The second one is, have a good sense of humor. And the third one is-surround yourself with love of friends and family.
2. The real money was in the really great companies, which carried you up, and up, and up, and up, and up.
3. The great philosophers of realism are also the great philosophers of what I call soldiering through. If you soldier through, you can get through almost anything. And it’s your only option. Lots of hardship will come and you gotta handle it well by soldiering through. And lots of – a few rare opportunities will come. You got to learn how to recognize them when they come and not that make too minor of a trip to the pie counter when the opportunity is available.
4. Having a basic house really helps you. Having a really fancy house, it’s good for entertaining 100 people at once. It’s a very expensive thing to do. And it doesn’t do you that much good.Warren and I both lived in the same house for decade after decade after decade. All our friends get rich and build better – bigger and better houses. And naturally we can – we both considered bigger and better houses. I had a huge number of children, so it was justifiable even. And I still decided not to live a life where I look like the Duke of Westchester or something. And I was gonna avoid it. I did it on purpose.