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Charlie: How hard would it be to go into the auto business, to have some big killing? Who's going to win? Who knows? The whole thing has been thrown way up in the air by all these electric cars, all these big, new capital requirements, different ways of selling cars. Plus they got these tough unions. See I just don’t even look at the auto industry!


Ben: Do you think it's more investible today than it was 50 years ago because of the disruptive innovation of electric?


Charlie: Well maybe for one or two electric cars that are really good, maybe, but certainly nobody else. It's too tough. BYD was a miracle.

That guy worked 70 hours a week and has a very high IQ. He can do the things you can't do. You can look at somebody else's auto part and you can gure out how to make the goddamned thing. You can't do that, you see.



Ben: A thing that I've never fully understood: I know you're a big fan of the company, BYD, the Chinese company that makes batteries and electric vehicles.

本: 一件我从未完全理解的事情是:我知道你是比亚迪这家中国公司的忠实粉丝,他们专门生产电池和电动汽车。

Charlie: I may be a big fan, but I'm hanging out my hat while I lurch around the track. They make me nervous. Just so aggressive.

Ben: Is that dangerous in a company?

本: 在公司里这样做会不会有危险?”

Charlie: That's what makes me nervous. Of course it's dangerous.


Ben: It seems like there's a spectrum where on the one side there's Costco that is just not a fast-growing company, because it's very difficult to. On BYD, like you're saying, they grew like crazy! I mean, you turned--


Charlie: Well BYD, this year will sell at least two and a half million cars.


Most of them are electric, that's unheard of. That's way more than Mercedes, for instance.


David: More than Tesla, right?


Charlie: Yeah, more than anybody. Lots of troubles and losses. They ran into terrible trouble. They created the wrong kind… they made lots of mistakes. They were lucky to be on the cutting edge of this electric car business. It's way more acceleration than most people.


So you have a car with more oomf than most people need. So the young macho male has a real lively car. There are a lot of things, where electric cars really work in some ways that are better! At making a 90-degree turn. You can go right opposite a parallel parking space, you just move the wheels, it turns the wheels 90 degrees and goes in.所以你有一辆比大多数人所需要的更有劲的车。所以年轻的阳刚男子拥有一辆真正活泼的车。电动车在很多方面确实更好!比如在做90度转弯时。你可以直接对着一个平行停车位,只需移动方向盘,它就会将车轮转动90度并驶入。

Nobody's ever done that. If your car goes at, you could run a hundred miles on three other wheels or something.


Andrew: Do they have better economics, because they don't have nearly as many parts? 安德鲁:他们的经济状况是否更好,因为他们没有那么多部件?

Charlie: It's simpler.


Ben: Have you ever had an investment like that before? I think you've invested something like $270 million that's now worth something like $8 billion in BYD.


Charlie: Well, very few people have an investment […]. That's a venture capital–type investment. It happened to be a thinly-traded public company, and we bought it as a venture capital–type company. But it was a venture capital–type play, and they just put the foot right in the floorboard and played it hard.

查理:嗯,很少有人有这样的投资[...]. 那是一种风险投资的投资。碰巧它是一家流通股较少的上市公司,我们将其视为一家风险投资类型的公司购买。但它是一种风险投资,他们只是毫不犹豫地大力投入并全力以赴。

By the way, both BYD and we tried to talk them out of going into the car business. They were gonna buy a bankrupt car business, and go into the car business. I said that's a graveyard for you, so why would you want to do that? And he paid no attention to us and went right ahead.


Ben: Had you invested already when he told you this plan?


Charlie: Yes, yes. And it worked fabulously well. After huge mistakes!

查理: 是的,是的。而且效果非常好。经历了很多错误之后!

They almost went broke with their early dealership building system, almost went broke.


David: What captivated you about it though?


Charlie: The guy was a genius. He had a PhD in engineering, and he look at some great part… [he could make that park look at the morning and look at it. I didn't know he could make it.] I've never seen anybody like that. He could do anything.


He is a natural engineer and a get-it-done type production executive, and that's a big thing. It's a big lot of talent to happen in one place. It's very useful. He solved all his problems on these electric cars, the motors, the acceleration, the braking, and so on.


David: How would you compare him and BYD to Elon and Tesla?


Charlie: He's a fanatic that knows how to actually make things with his hands if he has to. He's closer to ground zero, in other words. The guy at BYD is better at actually making things than Elon is.

查理: 他是一个狂热者,如果必要的话,他知道如何亲手制造东西。换句话说,他更接近震中。比起埃隆,BYD的这个人更擅长实际制造东西。