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回复@meyspa: 非官方iPhone active devices,供大家参考:
from 网页链接
"We are pleased to announce that our installed base of active devices has now surpassed 2.2 billion, reaching an all-time high across all products and geographic segments. And as customers begin to experience the incredible Apple Vision Pro tomorrow, we are committed as ever to the pursuit of groundbreaking innovation — in line with our values and on behalf of our customers.”//@大道无形我有型:iPhone的保有量比例一直是在缓慢增长的。
2024-04-15 10:54


04-30 14:03

2023Q1,earning call:"The iPhone base is well over a $1 billion active devices."
2021Q1,earning call:"and our active installed base of iPhones is now over 1 billion."