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$航美传媒(AMCN)$ Using the figures from the share repurchase reports by Guo, this is a short analysis of his market action. From 7th Dec to 27 Dec, he bought 541,273 shares at an average cost of $0.24. From 27 Dec to 30 Jan, total purchases of 1,724,922 shares at an average cost of $0.35. So the additional purchases of 1,183,649 shares have an average cost of $0.40. Total market turnover of the shares for the latter period was 6,947 K shares, so his purchases only account for roughly 17% of the total. So the rise in the share price is not due to his purchases, but the others who bought on FOMO (fear of missing out). Without his lead during this blackout period, who are going to be the lead buyers? 


2019-02-11 09:20

I will stay hold status till CEO Guo’s further action.

2019-02-10 05:00


2019-02-09 06:47

To consider those crazy day traders, probably 25-30% of the turnover was made by Guo. The share price was led by the guy obviously.