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PANYABUNGAN(Malintangpos Online): ” Wajar Bupati Marah Ke – PT.SMGP,” Ujar sejumlah Elemen masyarakat usai Rapat Forkofimda dengan PT.SMGP.

Kenapa rupanya..? Bupati Mandailing Natal HM Jafar Sukhairi Nasution, akan menjadwalkan bertemu dengan Presiden RI Joko Widodo dan Wakil Presiden Ma’aruf Amin.

Untuk melaporkan keberadaan PT Sorik Merapi Geothermal Power (SMGP) yang beroperasi di Kecamatan Puncak Sorik Merapi, yang sudah berulang kali menimbulkan persoalan.

Dalam musyararah itu, Bupati menyampaikan saat rapat koordinasi antara Forum Komunikasi Pimpinan Daerah (Forkopimda) Madina dengan manejemen PT SMGP di Aula Kantor Bupati , Kamis (15/12).

Kata Bupati, Rencana penjadwalan pertemuan dengan pemerintah pusat, untuk memediasi antara Pemkab Madina dengan PT SMGP agar pemerintah memiliki bonus produksi.

“Selama ini masih 0.5, kita harap bonus produksi ini ditambah untuk pemulihan fiskal kita” sebut Bupati.

Disamping itu, Pemkab Madina juga meminta pembagian saham PT SMGP.

Sebab, hingga saat ini sama sekali belum terealisasi.

“Masih nol, tidak punya saham, tentu komintmen pemerintah daerah untuk masyarakat Kabupaten Mandailing Natal belum digubris pihak perusahaan,” kata Bupati.

Makanya, Pemkab dan Forkopimda, akan menjadwalkan pertemuan dengan Presiden dan Wakil Presiden untuk meminta mediasi dengan pihak PT SMGP agar pemerintah daerah mendapat bonus produksi dan saham. “Permintaan kita terkhusus hanya saham,” ujarnya

” keberadaan saham tersebut nantinya untuk keberlangsungan masyarakat Kabupaten Mandailing Natal,” ujar Bupati

Bahkan ujar dia, Meski kami tidak menjabat lagi sebagai Bupati dan Wakil Bupati, masyarakat tetap menikmati sampai perusahaan ini produksi

Bahkan , sampai ratusan tahun yang akan datang.

Itulah tujuan kami memperjuangkan hak rakyat Mandailing Natal. Namun, hal ini belum dipenuhi pihak perusahaan.

” Pemkab dan Forkopimda, mengadukan hal itu kepada pemerintah pusat agar permintaan itu dapat dipenuhi,” katanya lagi.

Bupati, juga meminta jadwal uji Alir Panas Numi Pembangkit Listrik di lokasi T-11 ditunda selama belum ada hasil investigasi tim EBTKE atau hasil komunikasi dengan masyarakat korban yang belum tersahuti( Dita/Aris)



2022-12-17 23:30

That is our goal in fighting for the rights of the people of Mandailing Natal. However, this has not been fulfilled by the company.

"The Regency Government and Forkopimda, complained about it to the central government so that the request could be fulfilled," he said again.

The Regent also requested that the Numi Heat Flow test schedule for the Power Plant at the T-11 location be postponed as long as there were no results of the EBTKE team's investigation or the results of communication with the victim community that had not been answered.

2022-12-18 19:14


2022-12-18 16:40


因此,摄政政府和Forkopimda将安排与总统和副总统的会议,要求与PT SMGP进行调解,以便地方政府获得生产和分享奖金。“我们的需求主要只是股票,”他说。

2022-12-17 23:15

PANYABUNGAN (Malintangpos Online): "Naturally the Regent is angry at - PT.SMGP," said a number of elements of the community after the Forkofimda meeting with PT.SMGP.

Why apparently? Mandailing Natal Regent HM Jafar Sukhairi Nasution, will schedule a meeting with Indonesian President Joko Widodo and Vice President Ma'aruf Amin.

To report the existence of PT Sorik Merapi Geothermal Power (SMGP) operating in Sorik Merapi Peak District, which has repeatedly caused problems.

The Regent conveyed this during a coordination meeting between the Madina Regional Leadership Communication Forum (Forkopimda) and PT SMGP management in the Regent's Office Hall, Thursday (15/12).

The Regent said, the plan to schedule a meeting with the central government, to mediate between the Madina Regency Government and PT SMGP so that the government has a production bonus.

"So far it is still 0.5, we hope that this production bonus will be added to our fiscal recovery," said the Regent.

In addition, the Madina Regency Government also requested the distribution of PT SMGP shares.

Because, until now it has not been realized at all.

"Still zero, no shares, of course the commitment of the local government to the people of Mandailing Natal Regency has not been ignored by the company," said the Regent.

Hence, the Regency Government and Forkopimda, will schedule a meeting with the President and Vice President to request mediation with PT SMGP so that the local government gets a production bonus and shares. "Our request is specifically only shares," he said.

"The existence of these shares will be for the sustainability of the people of Mandailing Natal Regency," said the Regent.

In fact, he said, even though we no longer serve as Regent and Deputy Regent, the community will still enjoy until this company is produced.

In fact, for hundreds of years to come.

That is our goal in fighting for the rights of the people of Mandailing Natal. However, this has not been fulfilled by the company.

"The Regency Government and Forkopimda, complaine

2022-12-18 20:47


2022-12-18 17:48


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2022-12-18 16:38
