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可见资管是个好生意啊!比可乐卖糖水还好赚。[赚大了] $富兰克林资源(BEN)$ $Legg Mason(LM)$ $伊顿万斯(EV)$ $T Rowe Price (TROW)$ $惠理集团(00806)$ $艾弗里(AMG)$ $橡树资本(OAK)$
2014-05-14 15:58
Buffett: If your wife is going to have a baby, you’d be better to call an obstetrician than do it yourself. If your pipes leak, you should call a plumber. Most professions add value beyond what the average person can do for themselves. But in aggregate, the investment profes...


2014-05-14 21:54
