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$赢合科技(SZ300457)$ 斯科尔发布了全球首个电子烟人工智能平台HiSMK,斯科尔在全世界的数千万用户可以通过扫电子烟外包装二维码可以加入HiSMK平台,参与各种交流、活动、购买电子烟。


HiSMK is the AI hub for vaping enthusiasts, your ultimate vape club, brings global vapers together. 1. You can freely share and discuss any information related to vaping 2. You can get the latest vape news and reliable reviews 3. You can Easily locate nearby stores where to buy vape products 4. You can join more surprise events and engaging prize draws


$赢合科技(SZ300457)$ 新品牌Memers宣布跟美国前三的电子烟经销商达成合作,即将在全美国共同推广memers新品
MEMERS announced a strategic partnership with Midwest, one of the top three dealers in the United States. This collaboration will see the two companies rolling out joint promotions across the country, helping MEMERS deepen its presence in the American market.

$赢合科技(SZ300457)$ 转发下,期待早日解套。