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125,drop by 顺道拜访

126,have to do with =get to do with 有啥关系

what is that to do with it? 和它有个鸡毛关系?

127,come to terms 达成协议/谈判成功

and she has to come to terms with it soon or later

128,stand to reason 合情合理/这还用说

129,i see=i got it

(i see ,终于明白了,搞懂了,恍然大悟了;I know ,我知道,暗示讽刺,不需要你告诉老子;understand ,过于正式,got it 知道啦)

130,course of action 行动方案

131 in protest 以示抗议

i thought you had some course of action planned in protest.

132,be out of curiosity .

it will only be curiosity 只是出于好奇

133,put him on the spot 让他下不了台

there is no need to put him on the spot

134,unpack 打开行李

135, i gather 我听说。。。

135,around my neck 沉重的负担(欧洲的典故,水手射杀有帮助的信天翁,然后厄运来袭,于是被杀,并在脖子上挂上信天翁的尸体)

今天先这么多太忙了,祝好~~$上证指数(SH000001)$ $深证成指(SZ399001)$ $创业板指(SZ399006)$