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109,pay you a vist 拜访

110,take part in 参加

111,manna from heaven 天赐甘露(巨大的帮忙—-来自圣经)

112,send a note 发个消息,便条,感谢信

113,very 就/强调, this very afternoon /this very one 就这个

114,livid 铁青色 也表示愤怒(脸色铁青) be livid with

115,turn down 拒绝 but you turned me down ,twice

116,no in my book ,我不喜欢

117,wipe out 摧毁 which would wipe me out ,这会搞死我的

118,pay an honest price 付一个合理的价格

119,see as 看做。。。 视为,认为 but i do not see it as an waste

120,excursion 出门,出短途 how was your excurison

121,how do you liking sth /doing sth =what about。。。你觉得怎么样?

122,on the whole 整体上 nice on the whole 整体上还不错

123,save up to do sth 存钱做某事

124,prompt 立即/迅速 they demand prompt payment $上证指数(SH000001)$ $深证成指(SZ399001)$ $创业板指(SZ399006)$