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回复@高频交易者: Hehe. We will see. Interesting logic. maybe SINA faked the $USD 21.3 mln ad revenue in Q4. Or I get it. I do not like sina portal floating ad, or baidu's medical ad, youku's annoying pre-roll ad, or maybe qihoo's constant pop-ups about how many apps I should update. Qihoo is very uniquely Chinese. All the other biz models worked all over the world. That is the one I would be worried about. Isn't qihoo get caught of showing medical ad on so.com today?//@高频交易者:回复@xinyiw:建议先用一下weibo试试,display ad做了整整一年就是现在这样了,newsfeed现在测试的时候已经被人骂死了,乱发广告不让用户评论,被拉黑的仍然能继续发广告,如果这样的模式都能长期挣钱,我佩服
2013-02-20 10:44
$新浪(SINA)$ 这业绩不好啊,盘后还能涨这么多,华尔街真是翻手为云覆手为雨


2013-02-20 17:09

y,that's because user time spent on Youku\Sina\Bidu are increasing, they just enjoyed the trend that people turn to internet\search and online video. but you see weibo's time spent is decreasing just 2-3 years after launch, and maybe further decrease after the so called neesfeed..  Weibo is actually a good product, but could Sina make it a good business?  let's see