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//@群兽中的一只猫: 回复@KISS_X: 这说明事后巴菲特意识到了。方向感是很重要的。行业的大机会从来都不靠具体的企业微观研究。你看他错过了医药行业的大机会也是很可惜地。所以我一直强调的,投资中最重要的是方向感,特别是悲观的时候。//@KISS_X:回复@群兽中的一只猫:But I would say the biggest — and we could’ve bought the whole industry and done very well at various times, particularly when the threat of — what people thought was the threat of the Clinton health program cast a big cloud over the pharmaceutical industry.
That was the time you could’ve just bought the whole industry and done very well. We didn’t do it. It was a mistake.
这个是原文,详细的问题和回答是1997年下午场的第24个问题 网页链接
2023-06-08 16:56