发布于: 雪球转发:0回复:15喜欢:0

You asked a number of questions. We cannot comment further on the specifics of Sound Global Ltd owing to the secrecy law as we have explained before. We reply to your questions with this and that we have replied to a number of the points you have made before in mind.

1. If the company is to provide the information the SFC is asking for and to the SFC’s satisfaction, then the SFC will lift the suspension and allow the company to resume trading?

Each suspension is imposed for different reasons. One reason they are imposed is because of inadequate disclosure by the listed company. In such a case, if the company publicly corrected the inadequate disclosure, the reason for the suspension would often be ended and the company’s shares could then resume trading.

2. Could there be a better communication channel set up between the SFC and the Stock Exchange to prevent a situation like in the Sound Global case from arising?

We communicate with the stock exchange in relation to suspensions.

3. Sound Global at first said trading could be resumed hopefully by the end of September 2016, then it was changed to by the close of year 2016 and it did not materialize. It seems that there have been exchange of correspondences/information after the suspension between the parties concerned. At the present moment, is the ball in Sound Global's court?

Please see our general comment above.

4. If Sound Global did not answer the SFC’s request or it did furnish information but not to the satisfaction of the SFC, does it mean that the deadlock will not be solved forever? Is there any mechanism in place to resolve such dilemma, say, a deadline, to conclude a case based on available information in hand, to allow the company to resume trading, given a warning for the investors to take heed of as the case should be. I would suggest the deadline is a maximum of 2 years!

We aim to complete our investigation as quickly as we can given the circumstances and will consider what action we can take at the end depending on what our investigation establishes.

We will consider your observations on suspension policy.


Securities and Futures Commission
35th Floor, Cheung Kong Center
2 Queen’s Road Central
Hong Kong


2017-01-25 11:21


2017-01-25 10:11

请问阁下是向那个SFC's email address问?

2017-01-25 09:17

结論是:inadequate disclosure by the listed company but what's it?