不落俗套的成功(unconventional success)读书笔记(三)

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第二部分 择时(marketing timing
在设定投资目标以及达成此目标的投资组合后,由于市场的波动,组合也会不时波动,因此,投资者要“因时而变”。一种策略是趋势投资,即追涨杀跌,作者叫它追高(chasing performance),一种是再平衡,即追跌杀涨,是一种逆向投资的思路。

我在学生时代常读后来获得诺贝尔经济学奖的保罗·克鲁格曼(Paul Krugman)的作品,他被称为“揭谎者”(debunker),是因为他揭穿了许多贸易政策的无效性、无理性和阴谋。在本书中,Swensen对共同基金大加鞭笞,揭穿了它们自私自利、欺骗投资者的面目。我最早了解国内共同基金是通过张志雄先生所著的《基金黑幕》,因此,一直对共同基金抱持怀疑,除了指数基金,几乎不买主动管理的股票基金。Swensen对美国共同基金的揭批,更令人触目惊心,避之唯恐不及。
择时也就是高抛低吸,是对明确设定的长期资产配置目标的短期背离。Market timing represents a short-term bet against well-articulated long-term asset-allocation targets.

Active market timers usually fail. Market timing requires taking relatively few, generally undiversifiable positions. Timing decisions involve the large questions of asset-class valuation, forcing short-term asset allocators to develop views on an impossibly broad range of factors. Even if the market timer overcomes the odds by making a correct call, notoriously fickle markets may fail to resolve valuation discrepancies in the short run. Serious investors avoid entering the market-timing morass.

避免牛市买股和熊市卖股是实施理性投资计划的第一步。Avoiding bull market purchases and forsaking bear market sales constitutes a first step in sensible implementation of reasonable investment program.
第五章 追高(chasing performance)
chasing performance可以直译为“追寻绩效优异者”,由于绩效优异者通常是事后才知道的,当市场知道基金/股票的绩效十分优异时,它的价格通常已经高高在上了。从书中来看,作者用这个词来描述追涨杀跌,它和趋势投资(trend following)、动量投资(momentum investment)基本是相的含义,故译为“追高”。


互联网泡沫是稚嫩的投资者和见利忘义的华尔街银行家共同推动的价格冲动。The internet bubble had everything to do with price momentum fueled by naïve market participants and cynical Wall Street bankers.
在互联网泡沫中,在股市上涨最多的年份,投资者投入最多的资金到股市中,在股市由涨转跌的第1年中,抄底(buy the dips)的资金最多。
一个名不见经传的基金Kinetics Internet Fund,1997年初管理的资产仅有10万美元,当年回报率为13%。1998年收益率达到196%,资产规模扩张至2200万美元。1999年收益率达到216%,年底管理的资产规模达到了12亿美元。作者说,追高的行为将最多的资产暴露在最大的风险之中。Performance-chasing behavior exposed the maximum amount of assets to the maximum level of risk.
在共同基金的世界,昨日的胜者通常是明日的败者。追随昨日之星、回避今日落选者,投资者损失了大量金钱,高买低卖是投资成功可怜的方程式。In the mutual-fund world, yesterday’s winners tend to transmute into tomorrow’s losers. While a superficial examination of time-linked returns of technology fund performance indicates that the collapse of the bubble simply reversed earlier gains, a close look at investor cash flows shows a far different outcome. From start to finish, by chasing yesterday’s hot prospect and shunning today’s also-ran, investors lost billions of dollars in technology mutual funds. Buying high and selling low provides a poor formula for investment success.
2、美林公司的互联网战略基金(Merrill Lynch Internet Strategies Fund)
美林公司最初是一个死硬的价值投资者(diehard value investor),但管理层经不起经纪部门的一再游说,雇佣了一个高调的互联网分析师Henry Blodget,发行了互联网战略基金(Merrill lynch internet strategies fund)。Henry Blodget因预测amazon.com股价突破400美元而成名。同时,美林的首席互联网分析师Jonathan Cohen预测为50美元。1999年,Cohen辞职,1个月后,Henry Blodget上位。

Henry Blodget的名言是:别过份关注估值,闭上你的眼睛,说“我看到了这些股票的大未来”。Sometimes it’s helpful not to look at valuations too closely. Just blur your eyes and say “I see a big picture for these stocks”.

该基金自20000322开始运作, 到20011005,Merrill Lynch Internet Strategies Fund中止,并入美林自己的Global Technology Fund。到20011005时,投资者已经亏损81%,但美林收取了4500万美元管理费。自并入日到2002年底,投资者在Global Technology Fund上再亏损32%。
Investors face a barrage of forces pushing the flavor of the month. During bull markets, television and radio pundits fill the airwaves with soundbites extolling the virtues of equity investing. Newspaper stories profile the heroes of the rapidly rising stock market. Measured views receive little notice, except as occasional fodder for the favored, bullish commentators. Skeptics face outright scorn.

作者分析了Wall Street Journal’s Mutual Funds Quarterly Review的情况,该杂志的页数随牛熊变化而增减,宣传共同基金的内容也有同样的变化。

Wall Street Journal’s Mutual Funds Quarterly Review的所有方面都将投资者推向错误的方向。Every aspect of the Wall Street Journal’s Mutual Funds Quarterly Review pushes the investing public in the wrong direction. The weight of the message increases as the attractiveness of the opportunity decreases. The focus on stock peaks as stock prices peak. When bonds might prove most useful to investor portfolios, nary an advertisement mentions fixed income. The perversity of the mutual-fund industry’s advertising rates a perfect ten.
4、嘉信理财公司(Charles Schwab)在牛市中的投资建议。
(1)将表现不好的基金合并。Merging poorly performing funds out of existence。就像美林公司的互联网战略基金那样。

选择性展示误示共同基金的吸引力,给经验不足的投资者虚幻的印象。Selective presentation of data enhances the superficial appeal of mutual fund offerings, providing an unrealistic picture to the unsophisticated investor.
作者举的例子是Janus公司,它一方面用扣除费前回报(returns gross of fees)来夸大投资能力,二是只挑选最有利的时间段来进行宣传。为了维持正收益的形象,它最初的宣传材料中用三年滚动回报,当三年滚动回报均为负数时,它又改为五年滚动回报。

Recognizing that investors tend to chase good performance and flee poor performance, Janus faced a quandary regarding presentation of unimpressive bear market numbers. By moving from an emphasis on three-year numbers to five-year numbers, the firm substitute positive numbers for negative and good relative results for poor. But, by selling five-year performance, Janus obfuscated rather than illuminated.
说实话,Swensen对晨星公司大加挞伐多少有些出乎意料。我对晨星公司的印象来自于它的股票研究主管帕特·多尔西所著的《股市真规则》(Truth of the Stock Tape: A Study of the Stock and Commodity Markets with Charts and Rules for Successful Trading and Investing),爱书及公司,因此,我一直认为晨星公司是很优秀的。在我的“重读经典”计划中,《股市真规则》就是其中。


       The highly touted Morningstar rating system reinforced the investing public’s unfortunate tendency to focus on past performance. Purely statistical, backward-looking calculations provide no help in identifying superior managers. Yet Morningstar’s four-star and five-star ratings do much to attract investor money to the anointed funds. Starry ratings poured fuel on the fire of the stock market inferno of the late 1990s and fail to insulate investors from the chill of the subsequent decline. Sensible investors avoid Morningstar’s useless rating scheme.
       Sensible investors avoid fads, behaving in a disciplined, independent fashion. Discipline starts with carefully articulation of reasonable portfolio targets and follows with close adherence to the chosen portfolio. Fidelity to assets-allocation targets requires regular purchase of the out-of-favor and sale of the in-favor, demanding that investors exhibit out-of-the-mainstream, contrarian behavior.