《不落俗套的成功》(unconventional success)读书笔记(一)

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按照《我的投资流水账2014》中的计划,最近在看2本书,一本是Hagstrom的《巴菲特之道》,另一本是David F. Swensen的《不落俗套的成功》(unconventional success: a fundamental approach to personal investment)。《巴菲特之道》极力颂扬集中投资、择股、择时之利,有一种人定胜天的豪迈,我仿佛看到一个悟道者以居高临下之式对迷茫的信徒布道。《不落俗套的成功》则宣扬一种无为而治、不战而胜的理念,有阅尽投资界繁华,返璞归真的意味。想来是因为作者不同的缘由吧,前者是财经记者,后者是学者,在知名学府传道授业解惑,管理着数百亿美元的资产。
投资要“不走寻常路”。The frequently trod path often leads to disappointment. Taking a well-considered unconventional route provides greater opportunity for success.
investment success requires far more than taking the other side of the market’s trade of the day.
对个投资者而言,正确的投资策略是投资一家“恰当多元化、股票为主、被动管理的非营利机构”。a well- diversified, equity-oriented, passively managed portfolio, using not-for-profit investment managers to implement the plan.
资产配置的三原则是:股票为主、充分多元化、避税(可以推广到降低成本)。long-term investors build portfolios with a pronounced equity bias; careful investors fashion portfolios with substantial diversification; sensible investors create portfolios with concern for tax considerations.
股票为主是为了创造收益,多元化是为了减轻风险,避税是为了提高收益。The wealth-creating equity bias, the risk-reducing portfolio diversification, and the return-enhancing tax sensitivity combine to undergird the asset-allocation structure of effective investment portfolios.
相比较债券、现金等资产,股票在长期内能够提供更好的投资收益,因此,个人投资者在组建投资组合时,应以“股票为主”。Ibbotson Associates对1926-2003年投资历史研究表明,美国股票的收益率是10.4%,美国政府债券(government bond)的收益率是5.4%,美国短期国债(treasury bill)收益率(相当于货币市场收益率)是3.7%。西格尔在stocks for the long run一书中的研究表明,在1802-2001年间,美国股票的收益率为8.3%,美国政府长期债券的收益率为4.9%。
尽管不主张择时,但作者认为个人投资者应该时不时地进行“再平衡”。放任自流是一种“择时”。The most frequent variant of market timing comes not in the form of explicit bets for and against asset classes, but in the form of passive drift away from target allocations.
再平衡很重要。Only by regularly rebalancing portfolios to long-term targets, do investors realize the results that correspond to the policy asset-allocation decision.
投资目标对投资结果最重要。The articulation of portfolio targets constitutes the most powerful determinant of investment outcomes. ┄┄ thoughtful policy targets, carefully implemented and standfastly maintained, create the foundation for investment success. 从该书第二章的内容来看,似乎作者认为投资应以占胜通货膨胀为目标。
第二章 核心资产类别
资产类别                                       目标比例
本国股票(指美国)                         30%
其他发达国家股票                            15%
新兴市场股票                                    5%
房地产                                              20%
美国债券                                          15%
美国盯住通胀债券                           15%
       核心资产既是收益最主要的来源,也能起到多样化的作用。核心资产的收益主要来自市场,而非主动管理。Core asset classes share a number of critical characteristics. First, core asset classes contribute basic, valuable, differential characterics to an investment portfolio. Second, core holdings rely fundamentally on market-generated returns, not on active management of portfolios. Third, core asset classes derive from borad, deep, investable markets.
       投资收益主要来自股票(即前3类),债券则主要起到多样化的作用。Sensible investors pursue diversification as a policy to reduce risk, not as a tactic to chase performance. 作者所指的作为核心资产类别的债券并不包括公司债券,因为债券的作用是降低风险,而非获取收益,而企业债券具有和股票一样有风险,却提供更低的收益。政府债券尽管收益较低,但风险亦较低。
房地产则既有股权、又有债券的属性。房地产投资是指commercial office properties, apartment complexes, industrial warehouse facilities, and retail establishment. 房地产的债券属性来自于租金收入,股权属性来自于出租率的提高。Fixed-income attributes stem from the contractual obligations of tenants to make regular payments as specified in the lease contract between tenant and landlord. Properties encumbered by long-term lease obligations exhibit predominantly bond-like qualities. Equity attributes stem from the residual value associated with leases expected to be executed for currently vacant space or for anticipated future vacancies. Properties without tenants or with tenants on short lease exhibit predominantely equity-like qualities.
       Bloomberg对 1987-2003的研究表明,标普500的收益率是13.5%,美国中期债券的收益率是8.7%,房地产证券的收益率是12.0%。


2017-04-01 10:41


资产类别                                       目标比例
港股                50%
A股                            10%
欧美股票                                    10%
黄金+白银                                          20%
货币基金                                           10%

2015-07-07 13:50


2015-04-10 10:58
