②段永平:做对的事情 把事情做对 Duan Yongping: Do the Right Things and Do Things Right

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——《甲子峥嵘 弦歌而行:浙江大学信息与电子工程学院60周年院史文集》
——Resplendent Journey with Strings: 60th Anniversary Chronicles of the College of Information and Electronic Engineering, Zhejiang University

Question: Why did you decide to donate money?

Da Dao: People who make more money should bear more social responsibilities, and having more money doesn't benefit oneself much. After all, I spent time at my alma mater and have feelings for it; I feel more assured giving to it. The teachers from back then are still there, and so are my classmates. I believe they wouldn't misuse the money.


Overall, I think they're quite good, especially the Ping An Fund we established later, which is operated very well. I agree with setting up this fund in the Department of Electronics and Information. It was first proposed by Yang Dongxiao, who was my classmate and a good friend of mine at the time. When we were preparing for the postgraduate entrance exam, the two of us studied together, and he passed while I didn't. He had good academic performance; among our classmates, he was the youngest. I'm three years older than him, and he was indeed a diligent student. Maybe because he was rather young he didn't have other ideas ; he just loved to make progress and study. He was also quite shy.
(Some classmates interject: "His lectures are very lively now, and he even received the Yongping Teaching Award. We all enjoy his classes.")


Da Dao: He's lively now? Then he's improved, congratulations to him! I was talking about back then. It's been over 30 years now, and people will definitely change. He manages the Ping An Fund very systematically; every penny spent has clear regulations, and it's used appropriately because we also need to keep it confidential for the teachers who use it. Only a limited few know.


Dongxiao first proposed the Ping An Fund, saying that some older teachers were retiring, and although there's national health insurance, they might need better and more expensive medicine that the country might not cover. They couldn't afford it themselves, so it would be great if there was a fund to help them. I said, "Let's set one up then," so we did. Of course, the Ping An Fund can also cover other expenses, such as supporting retired teachers in organizing activities. It's about making these teachers, especially the retired ones, a little happier. Many of today's retired teachers were our teachers back then, and future teachers will also benefit from this fund. The reason Yang Dongxiao manages it well is because he manages it very meticulously and clearly. Although I can't keep track of some of the money spent, I overall trust Zhejiang University.


Q: Besides retired teachers, did you also include Dr. Lu from the Third Division in the Ping An Fund?


Da Dao: Because Dr. Lu was our doctor back then. We had two doctors in the clinic at that time, but I only remember Dr. Lu. When you got sick back then, you were helpless, far from home, unlike now when you can just make a phone call. Making a phone call was difficult back then. When you saw a doctor with a good attitude, the "comfort" was significant. I think Dr. Lu was very good to the students, so he should be included.


Q: Did you initiate the Ping An Fund?

Da Dao: Actually, I didn't initiate it, I just supported it. I made a commitment to the Ping An Fund that I would match whatever others donated. In the end, it was about $600,000 or 6 million RMB, I don't remember exactly. Anyway, the fund operated well, and what everyone said at the time continued to be effective. We didn't encounter any difficulties.


Q: The class that you were you was very active in donating. Was it influenced by you?

Da Dao: No one has told me that there was such an effect, and I don't know how much our class donated. I only know that some people in our class were very active in donating. Some people in our company system, I sometimes encouraged them to donate a little, anyway, they also had the ability, so they donated together. Chen Mingyong also donated, Jiang Xiaolan, Chen Zhiyong also donated. But it doesn't matter how much money it is, even if it's just a symbolic donation.


Q: Besides donating, what else do you think alumni can do for their alma mater?

Da Dao: Everyone's situation is different, it depends on each person's specific situation. But I don't think this is necessary. As long as you think it's necessary and has a connection with your alma mater, then do it. After students graduate and leave school, they actually have little to do with the school. The feelings towards the alma mater are related to those people and places. If when you go back you can't find the things you used to connect with, and they're all gone, then we can't form any feelings. I can still meet Yang Dongxiao when I go back now. When Yang Dongxiao talks to me, I listen very seriously because there are related things in it. So what a person can do for their alma mater depends entirely on these things.


The relationship between us teachers and students is still quite good. Teacher Zhou Jianhua came to see us after we graduated, he comes to see you not because you have money . At that time, we were still poor students, he came to Beijing on business and called classmates to meet, this is building relationships, right? This isn't something anyone owes anyone. He doesn't owe me, and I don't owe him. Let me give you an example. Once, someone from a northern alumni association contacted me, hoping I could donate money. I asked him, "Do you know who I am?" Of course, by then the company was quite well-known. I asked him, "Besides knowing that I have money, what else do you know?" He didn't know anything. He didn't know which department I graduated from, or what I studied, he only knew I had money. So what you can do for your alma mater depends on your connection with it, purely emotional and coincidental things.

Q: What is your opinion on college students starting their own businesses?


Da Dao: I have never encouraged college students to start their own businesses, nor do I encourage entrepreneurship in general. Why? Because when the time is right for entrepreneurship, it will naturally happen. It's a process that falls into place; don't force entrepreneurship. You might have a great idea that everyone loves, so you want to turn it into a business, into a company. But if you're only starting a business to become a boss, it will likely end up in disappointment. Look back, college student entrepreneurship is not a new phenomenon; it has been around for many years. How many successful cases do we have from those who started their businesses back then? I don't oppose engaging in business activities during college, developing entrepreneurial concepts, but it shouldn't be a goal.

苹果公司的CEO Tim Cook在某所高校做了一个毕业典礼的演讲,就是说你要找到自己的北斗星。你要知道什么是对的事情,然后你要一直朝那个方向走,那么几十年之后会有好的结果。这个东西不一定要毕业的时候想,上学的时候就可以去想了。只要心里真有想法,暂时失利或者错一步两步也是没关系的。

Apple's CEO Tim Cook once gave a speech at a graduation ceremony at a certain university, emphasizing the importance of finding your own North Star. You need to know what is right, and then keep moving in that direction, and after several decades, you'll see good results. This doesn't have to be something you think about at graduation; you can start thinking about it while you're in school. As long as you have ideas in mind, it's okay to stumble or make mistakes along the way.


You've probably all seen Kung Fu Panda. In the second movie, it's mentioned that you might not have a good start, but the future is not determined by how you start. I resonate with this statement. Entrepreneurship, you should start when it's time, not just because you're a college student. We need to do the right things, get things right.


Doing things right requires many skills, but schools don't teach you all of them; they only teach you a part, such as study methods. Then you need to have good grades. In society, if others see that your grades are good, they will trust you to do certain things, even if you don't know how, as long as you do it, your abilities will improve. So, your grades in school shouldn't be too bad; if someone sees your terrible grades, their first impression will be that you lack discipline. If your grades are decent and you have a special talent, like being exceptionally good at chess or table tennis, then others will think you have perseverance, even if your grades are average. If you're someone who is willing to learn and capable of learning, you'll be impressive in three to five years. If you're not good at anything, why would anyone hire you? If they don't hire you, you'll never have a chance, right? Even serving dishes requires skill; most people would spill after just a few tries, so being able to balance them is not easy. Of course, you shouldn't be confined by your expertise. For example, if you like playing the piano, it's not necessary to play at Lang Lang's level to be considered good; as long as you want to play and enjoy the process, that's enough. If you don't enjoy it much but want to make money through piano playing, then life won't be easy.


At one of Warren Buffett's subsidiary companies, they invite a group of people to have dinner with him the day after the annual shareholder meeting. I remember once there was a woman at my table, probably in her forties or fifties. I think people invited by Buffett always have some special skills. I asked her if she often attended these dinners, and she said it was her first time. She was a yoga teacher, and she loved yoga. I asked her why she came, and she said her father was one of Buffett's earliest shareholders. Now that her father had passed away, she came in his place. She inherited her father's estate, but she still remains a yoga teacher. Being a yoga teacher doesn't bring in much income, but she enjoys it immensely. Those who dine with Buffett are wealthy individuals, such as Bill Gates and the president of the University of Chicago.


I'm not saying teaching piano is bad, but if you're consumed by a particular skill, it's not good either. That's something I used to think about. I absolutely couldn't become a taxi driver; in that case I would be driving all day and have no time to think about anything else. I also wouldn't run a restaurant because it involves buying groceries and managing various aspects. Of course, if it could become as successful as McDonald's, that would be great.



——《甲子峥嵘 弦歌而行:浙江大学信息与电子工程学院60周年院史文集》
——Resplendent Journey with Strings: 60th Anniversary Chronicles of the College of Information and Electronic Engineering, Zhejiang University
Question: Why did you decide to donate money?大道:赚钱多的人要承担更多的社会责任,钱多了对自己的用处也不大。母校毕竟我待过,对它有感情,觉得给它比较放心。当年的浙大老师都还在,还有同学在,我觉得他们应该不会乱花。Da Dao: People who make more money should bear more social responsibilities, and having more money doesn't benefit oneself much. After all, I spent time at my alma mater and have feelings for it; I feel more assured giving to it. The teachers from back then are still there, and so are my classmates. I believe they wouldn't misuse the money.
(某同学们插话:“他现在上课是很生动的,还获得了永平奖教金,我们都喜欢上他的课。”)Overall, I think they're quite good, especially the Ping An Fund we established later, which is operated very well. I agree with setting up this fund in the Department of Electronics and Information. It was first proposed by Yang Dongxiao, who was my classmate and a good friend of mine at the time. When we were preparing for the postgraduate entrance exam, the two of us studied together, and he passed while I didn't. He had good academic performance; among our classmates, he was the youngest. I'm three years older than him, and he was indeed a diligent student. Maybe because he was rather young he didn't have other ideas ; he just loved to make progress and study. He was also quite shy.
(Some classmates interject: "His lectures are very lively now, and he even received the Yongping Teaching Award. We all enjoy his classes.")大道:已经生动了啊?那他进步了,真是祝贺他!我说的是那个时候,现在30多年过去了,人肯定是会改变的。他管的平安基金,我觉得特别有系统,每一分钱花在哪儿都有章可循,并且用得很得体,因为还要帮老师保密,谁用了这个钱是不好公开出来的,只能很有限的几个人知道。
Da Dao: He's lively now? Then he's improved, congratulations to him! I was talking about back then. It's been over 30years now, and people will definitely change. He manages the Ping An Fund very systematically; every penny spent has clear regulations, and it's used appropriately because we also need to keep it confidential for the teachers who use it. Only a limited few know.
Dongxiao first proposed the Ping An Fund, saying that some older teachers were retiring, and although there's national health insurance, they might need better and more expensive medicine that the country might not cover. They couldn't afford it themselves, so it would be great if there was a fund to help them. I said, "Let's set one up then," so we did. Of course, the Ping An Fund can also cover other expenses, such as supporting retired teachers in organizing activities. It's about making these teachers, especially the retired ones, a little happier. Many of today's retired teachers were our teachers back then, and future teachers will also benefit from this fund. The reason Yang Dongxiao manages it well is because he manages it very meticulously and clearly. Although I can't keep track of some of the money spent, I overall trust Zhejiang University.
Q: Besides retired teachers, did you also include Dr. Lu from the Third Division in the Ping An Fund?
Da Dao: Because Dr. Lu was our doctor back then. We had two doctors in the clinic at that time, but I only remember Dr. Lu. When you got sick back then, you were helpless, far from home, unlike now when you can just make a phone call. Making a phone call was difficult back then. When you saw a doctor with a good attitude, the "comfort" was significant. I think Dr. Lu was very good to the students, so he should be included.
Q: Did you initiate the Ping An Fund?
大道:其实也不是我倡议的,我只是支持。我给平安基金许下了承诺,就是别人捐多少我就配多少,最后总共大概是60万美元或者是600万元人民币我不记得了。反正基金运行也不错,当时大家说过的话也都一直都在起作用。没有遇到过什么困难。Da Dao: Actually, I didn't initiate it, I just supported it. I made a commitment to the Ping An Fund that I would match whatever others donated. In the end, it was about $600,000 or 6 million RMB, I don't remember exactly. Anyway, the fund operated well, and what everyone said at the time continued to be effective. We didn't encounter any difficulties.
Q: The class that you were you was very active in donating. Was it influenced by you?
Da Dao: No one has told me that there was such an effect, and I don't know how much our class donated. I only know that some people in our class were very active in donating. Some people in our company system, I sometimes encouraged them to donate a little, anyway, they also had the ability, so they donated together. Chen Mingyong also donated, Jiang Xiaolan, Chen Zhiyong also donated. But it doesn't matter how much money it is, even if it's just a symbolic donation.问:您认为,校友除了捐赠以外,还有什么能为母校母系做的事情?
Q: Besides donating, what else do you think alumni can do for their alma mater?
大道:每个人的情况都不一样,要看每个人的具体情况了。但是我认为这不是一个必要的东西,只要认为与母校有联系、有必要,就做。学生毕业离开学校后,其实和学校就没有太大的关系了。与母校的感情产生关系的,是那些人、那些地方。如果回去都找不到原来能够联系的东西,原来的东西都不在了,我们就无法产生什么感情。我现在回去还能见到杨冬晓。杨冬晓和我讲的时候,我就会很认真地听,因为有关联的东西在里头。所以一个人能为母校母系做啥,完全取决于这些东西。Da Dao: Everyone's situation is different, it depends on each person's specific situation. But I don't think this is necessary. As long as you think it's necessary and has a connection with your alma mater, then do it. After students graduate and leave school, they actually have little to do with the school. The feelings towards the alma mater are related to those people and places. If when you go back you can't find the things you used to connect with, and they're all gone, then we can't form any feelings. I can still meet Yang Dongxiao when I go back now. When Yang Dongxiao talks to me, I listen very seriously because there are related things in it. So what a person can do for their alma mater depends entirely on these things.
The relationship between us teachers and students is still quite good. Teacher Zhou Jianhua came to see us after we graduated, he comes to see you not because you have money . At that time, we were still poor students, he came to Beijing on business and called classmates to meet, this is building relationships, right? This isn't something anyone owes anyone. He doesn't owe me, and I don't owe him. Let me give you an example. Once, someone from a northern alumni association contacted me, hoping I could donate money. I asked him, "Do you know who I am?" Of course, by then the company was quite well-known. I asked him, "Besides knowing that I have money, what else do you know?" He didn't know anything. He didn't know which department I graduated from, or what I studied, he only knew I had money. So what you can do for your alma mater depends on your connection with it, purely emotional and coincidental things.
问:您对大学生创业有什么看法?Q: What is your opinion on college students starting their own businesses?
Da Dao: I have never encouraged college students to start their own businesses, nor do I encourage entrepreneurship in general. Why? Because when the time is right for entrepreneurship, it will naturally happen. It's a process that falls into place; don't force entrepreneurship. You might have a great idea that everyone loves, so you want to turn it into a business, into a company. But if you're only starting a business to become a boss, it will likely end up in disappointment. Look back, college student entrepreneurship is not a new phenomenon; it has been around for many years. How many successful cases do we have from those who started their businesses back then? I don't oppose engaging in business activities during college, developing entrepreneurial concepts, but it shouldn't be a goal.
苹果公司的CEO Tim Cook在某所高校做了一个毕业典礼的演讲,就是说你要找到自己的北斗星。你要知道什么是对的事情,然后你要一直朝那个方向走,那么几十年之后会有好的结果。这个东西不一定要毕业的时候想,上学的时候就可以去想了。只要心里真有想法,暂时失利或者错一步两步也是没关系的。
Apple's CEO Tim Cook once gave a speech at a graduation ceremony at a certain university, emphasizing the importance of finding your own North Star. You need to know what is right, and then keep moving in that direction, and after several decades, you'll see good results. This doesn't have to be something you think about at graduation; you can start thinking about it while you're in school. As long as you have ideas in mind, it's okay to stumble or make mistakes along the way.
You've probably all seen Kung Fu Panda. In the second movie, it's mentioned that you might not have a good start, but the future is not determined by how you start. I resonate with this statement. Entrepreneurship, you should start when it's time, not just because you're a college student. We need to do the right things, get things right.
Doing things right requires many skills, but schools don't teach you all of them; they only teach you a part, such as study methods. Then you need to have good grades. In society, if others see that your grades are good, they will trust you to do certain things, even if you don't know how, as long as you do it, your abilities will improve. So, your grades in school shouldn't be too bad; if someone sees your terrible grades, their first impression will be that you lack discipline. If your grades are decent and you have a special talent, like being exceptionally good at chess or table tennis, then others will think you have perseverance, even if your grades are average. If you're someone who is willing to learn and capable of learning, you'll be impressive in three to five years. If you're not good at anything, why would anyone hire you? If they don't hire you, you'll never have a chance, right? Even serving dishes requires skill; most people would spill after just a few tries, so being able to balance them is not easy. Of course, you shouldn't be confined by your expertise. For example, if you like playing the piano, it's not necessary to play at Lang Lang's level to be considered good; as long as you want to play and enjoy the process, that's enough. If you don't enjoy it much but want to make money through piano playing, then life won't be easy.
At one of Warren Buffett's subsidiary companies, they invite a group of people to have dinner with him the day after the annual shareholder meeting. I remember once there was a woman at my table, probably in her forties or fifties. I think people invited by Buffett always have some special skills. I asked her if she often attended these dinners, and she said it was her first time. She was a yoga teacher, and she loved yoga. I asked her why she came, and she said her father was one of Buffett's earliest shareholders. Now that her father had passed away, she came in his place. She inherited her father's estate, but she still remains a yoga teacher. Being a yoga teacher doesn't bring in much income, but she enjoys it immensely. Those who dine with Buffett are wealthy individuals, such as Bill Gates and the president of the University of Chicago.
I'm not saying teaching piano is bad, but if you're consumed by a particular skill, it's not good either. That's something I used to think about. I absolutely couldn't become a taxi driver; in that case I would be driving all day and have no time to think about anything else. I also wouldn't run a restaurant because it involves buying groceries and managing various aspects. Of course, if it could become as successful as McDonald's, that would be great.