27. 30个商业案例分析 30 Business Case Reviews

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12. 网友: 1. 拼多多现在只适合以风投的眼光看。2. 买进拼多多相当于押注于黄的进化。

12. Netizen: 1. Pinduoduo in the present is only suitable for investment from the perspective of venture capital. 2. Buying Pinduoduo is equivalent to betting on Huang's evolution.


Duan Yongping: This is indeed my current view, so I haven't suggest investing a large proportion. (2018-11-15)

13. 网友:看了拼多多的财务数据,从资产来看,虽然亏了100多,但是净资产多了将近200,还是非常优秀,最近跌得比较多,准备买入,10年后看有没有机会财务自由。

13. Netizen: After looking at Pinduoduo's financial data, although it lost more than 100 in terms of assets, net assets increased by nearly 200, which is still very good. It has recently fallen quite a bit and is ready to buy. I want to see if there is an opportunity to achieve financial freedom in 10 years.


Duan Yongping: I haven't seen the financial report, but I have seen the news. The net assets should mainly come from financing, but the operating cash flow seems to be positive, indicating that they are still quite conservative. (201-04-28)

14. 网友:大道认识黄峥超过十年了,请问:黄峥是否具备把事情做对的能力和学习能力?黄峥是否也具备品行端正,本分,不占别人便宜,专注本业和聚焦,稳健求发展(慢就是快),结果导向,消费者导向,为社会创造价值(这些在李嘉诚身上可以找到)这些你身上也具备的特征?

14. Netizen: Da Dao has known Huang Zheng for more than ten years. May I ask: Does Huang Zheng have the ability to do things right and the ability to learn? Does Huang Zheng also have the characteristics of good behavior, being honest, not taking advantage of others, focusing on his own business and steady development (slow is fast), result-oriented, consumer-oriented, and creating value for society (these can be found in Li Ka-shing) the charateristics which you have as well?


Duan Yongping: Huang Zheng's ability to learn and ability to do things right is obviously stronger than mine. Huang Zheng also has a clear understanding of what is right. (2019-04-27)

15. 引用:拼多多黄峥发股东信谈电商竞争,认为拼多多“个头虽高但依然只是个小学生”

15. Quote: Pinduoduo's Huang Zheng talks about e-commerce competition in shareholder letter, saying that "although Pinduoduo is tall, it is still a primary school student."

经济观察网 记者 任晓宁 4月24日晚,拼多多创始人、董事长兼CEO黄峥,发不了公司上市以来的首封股东信。黄峥在信中指出,近期拼多多遇到了“二选一”。他认为,拼多多的出现初步打破了既有电商格局,自然会让其他平台有所……

Economic Observer Network reporter Ren Xiaoning On the evening of April 24th, Pinduoduo's founder, chairman and CEO Huang Zheng sent the company's first shareholder letter since going public. Huang Zheng pointed out in the letter that Pinduoduo has encountered a "choice of two" recently. He believes that the emergence of Pinduoduo has initially broken the existing e-commerce pattern, and naturally will make other platforms...


Duan Yongping: Huang Zheng has said what needs to be said! (2019-04-25)

16. 网友:没什么大问题,7年电商老兵,10年纬度,坚定看好拼多多,有闲钱就补一些,知道大道也是股东,内心更坚信了这一点。

16. Netizen: There is no big problem. I have been in the e-commerce industry for 7 years and 10-year latitude,I firmly believe in Pinduoduo. If I have spare money, I will invest more. I know that Da Dao is also a shareholder, which makes me even more confident in heart.


Duan Yongping: I think your probability of being correct is very high. (2019-05-15)

17. 网友:能否演示一下把拼多多看作非上市公司十年后是咋样的?

17. Netizen: Can you demonstrate what Pinduoduo would be like as a non-publicly traded company after ten years?


Duan Yongping: If they can survive, they will definitely be much stronger than they are now. I believe they have a high chance of survival. (May 17, 2019)

18. 网友:关于拼多多,大家对平台的差货、劣货、假货吐槽很多,周围很多消费者在心里面对拼多多的品牌认知就是假、差、劣,想问一下师兄:你认为这样的平台如果不补贴,还能做大?或者说是有生存的价值吗?还是仅仅只是因为喜欢黄峥就投拼多多?谢谢。

18. Netizen: There are many complaints about the poor quality, inferior products, and fake products on Pinduoduo. Many consumers around me have a negative perception of Pinduoduo as being fake, inferior, and of low quality. I want to ask Mr. Duan: Do you think such a platform can still thrive without subsidies? Does it have any value in survival? Or is it just because you like Huang Zheng that you invest in Pinduoduo? Thank you.


Duan Yongping: I did invest in Pinduoduo because I like Huang Zheng, but if you view Pinduoduo this way, it seems you are someone who easily follows others' opinions without approaching issues rationally. During this year's Spring Festival, I made nearly 100 orders on Pinduoduo, which I'm sure you haven't tried. Pinduoduo has so many users for a reason. However, I have never recommended anyone to invest in Pinduoduo, and currently, I won't recommend it because I'm not clear about its future prospects. So at most, I can only evaluate Pinduoduo based on the standards of venture capital. (2019-05-28)


Quote: Original Title: From Mindless Criticism to "Genuinely Good" Pinduoduo


Source: Financial Investment News - The Transformation of Online Shopping Journeys for Post-00s College Students "My mom bought Kait Mango from Pinduoduo, and it was unexpectedly delicious. Also, she bought me an 8 yuan cushion, which is beautiful and practical, and..."


Duan Yongping: Recently, when I went back to China, I bought some things on Pinduoduo and had no bad experiences. For example, this time I forgot to bring a nasal spray bottle and salt (for allergies). I couldn't find them in the stores, but I found them on Pinduoduo and another e-commerce platform. Pinduoduo deliver the items in just two days and it's slightly cheaper so I bought it, and they were the same as what I used before. I haven't had a chance to experience the feeling of Disneyland myself, but it gave me a similar feeling of Costco. (2019-08-23)


Netizen: Compared to your success in stock investments, I admire your ability to discern people more. Many successful investors exist, but those who can invest in two Chinese billionaires are rare (I believe Huang Zheng will become the richest man in China in one of the next ten years, a personal judgment). I want to ask, when you had dinner with Buffett and brought along 26-year-old Huang Zheng, what was the reason behind it? Or what characteristics did you see in him?


Duan Yongping: Huang Zheng is one of the few people who constantly focuses on the essence of things. He has insight and intelligence. I won't be surprised by any achievements he attains in the future. (2019-09-09)

27. 视频

27. Video


Netizen: On March 8th, I bought SOHU (Sohu) at 49 yuan, believing its market value of over 1.8 billion was undervalued. Several times in the past two months, the price broke through 55 yuan with over 10% profit. Usually, I would secure my gains, but for the past two months, I have been practicing "value investing" and believe that SOHU's fair valuation is around 2.5-2.8 billion US dollars, so I decided to hold onto it (willing to hold for many years). Currently, the stock price is below my cost. Did I miss the opportunity to sell for profit before? I'd like to hear from experienced individuals to analyze this for me.


Buck Star: The biggest highlight of Sohu is Sogou and its spin-off. I believe that Sohu is indeed undervalued. However, when its price will reflect this, it's hard to say. I think you should learn from waht Da Dao did on Yahoo.


Duan Yongping: Personally, I feel that the biggest uncertainty for Sohu lies in its continuous heavy investment in video. Video is a product with minimal differentiation, and when numerous well-funded companies compete, the outcome may not be good. (2012-05-04)


Netizen: I really enjoy watching movies and feel that the video industry is difficult to differentiate. But I don't understand why so many companies in China are entering this industry, such as Baidu, Tencent, Sohu, BaoFeng, PPS, and others. It seems challenging for this industry to establish a profitable model.


Duan Yongping: These internet companies are probably afraid of missing out on opportunities or feel that they can't do without it. Perhaps people think that an internet company without video lacks differentiation (afraid that others won't come online because of this)? Or maybe they are inspired by YouTube? I'm not among them, so I can't fully understand, but I definitely don't recommend investing in websites specializing in video because it's very difficult to know who will emerge victorious, and even if a company succeeds, it doesn't necessarily mean it will have a good future. The outcome could be similar to that of airlines. It's amazing how so many capital ventures into such a difficult business as the airline industry. (2013-04-16)


Netizen: If the products in the video industry lack differentiation, does that mean the supermarket industry is also an industry without differentiation products? What about television stations? If television stations have differentiation, is it due to their unique programs (liked by consumers)?


Duan Yongping: Personally, I think supermarkets can have some differentiation, at least in terms of geographical location, arrangement, and a wide variety of products. However, supermarkets will indeed be impacted by the internet in the future. I think there's probably no differentiation among the television stations in our neighboring country. The simplest way to understand differentiation is to put yourself in the consumer's shoes, imagine your own experiences, where you frequently go, and what brings about changes, etc. (2012-05-18)

28. 分众传媒

28. Focus Media


Netizen: Is Focus Media's elevator advertising a good business model in terms of pure business?


Duan Yongping: It doesn't attract me. (2019-03-31)


Netizen: Does Focus Media not attract you because you understand this business and think the business model is not good enough? Or is it because Focus Media's business model is beyond your capabilities?


Duan Yongping: Da Dao once observed that many people are looking down at their phones while waiting for or riding elevators. So, who will look at the advertisements? Therefore, this falls outside my area of expertise and I don't understand it. (2019-04-01)

29. 宁德时代

29. CATL


Netizen: I recommend a stock to you, CATL in A-shares. You can pay attention to it. It is currently a leading company in new energy vehicle batteries. From a long-term perspective, electric vehicles are likely to grow by ten times or more, and CATL is a top-tier company, which aligns with your value investment principles.


Duan Yongping: Products in this industry have small differentiation and change rapidly, making it difficult to build a moat. (2019-04-29)

30. 晨光文具

30. M&G Stationery


Netizen: Last time, Da Dao asked about good business models, and I mentioned one: M&G Stationery.


Industry: 1) The demands of primary and secondary school students for stationery are increasing, with a wide variety of products. Students are not sensitive to prices, and parents are willing to spend money on student stationery. Each purchase of stationery is not expensive, and parents and students can easily make purchasing decisions. However, consumption and wear and tear are quick. 2) Domestic brands strengthen research and development, entering the market from mid-range prices, which is advantageous for replacing imported brands. 3) It is a basic necessity and is not greatly affected by the macroeconomic downturn.


Company: 1) There are 70,000 terminal stores around schools, and they deal with low-value consumables. The consumption volume of products and the brand advertising value behind them are considerable. 2) The company has adopted a "fast-moving consumer goods distribution model + direct sales model" channel distribution model, which forms a close interest community among different levels. This makes it difficult for franchisees to switch to competitors. It has a similar model to KFC. 3) It occupies 80% of the market around schools, and as long as it guarantees the quality and innovation of stationery, its brand will take root among students.


One downside is that there are too many product varieties (which is determined by the characteristics of this industry), making management relatively cumbersome. But M&G has a good corporate culture, which compensates for the drawbacks of having many product varieties and brands.


Duan Yongping: For this kind of business, surviving is already good. It cannot be compared with business models like Apple or Maotai. (2019-05-29)

ps. “明白差异化最简单的办法就是把自己当消费者,想象一下自己的体验,自己常去哪里,因为什么而改变等等。”


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