26. 30个商业案例分析 30 Business Case Reviews

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26. 拼多多

26. Pinduoduo

01. 引用:“初生儿”拼多多是IPO的意义

01. Quote: "Newborn" Pinduoduo is the significance of IPO


Pinduoduo is going public. Many people are shocked: a "newborn" that has been established for less than 3 years; there are still many problems in platform governance; the company is not profitable... it is going public? And it is going public with a valuation as high as $30 billion? This is worth...


Duan Yongping: I plan to buy some PreIPO again. Maybe in 10 years, people will find that the era when they couldn't find opponents even with a telescope is over. (2018-07-10)

02. 网友:请问一个问题。请问您怎么看拼多多的商业模式?我看现在拼多多才推出了c2m的模式,那他现在做这么大是考的什么?

02. Netizen: May I ask a question? How do you see Pinduoduo's business model? I see that Pinduoduo has just launched the c2m model. What is he considering now?


Duan Yongping: I haven't seriously looked at Pinduoduo yet, but I experienced it when I returned home during the Chinese New Year and felt quite good. So many people use it, there must be a reason. (2019-03-15)

03. 网友J:我不知道拼多多的优势在哪里?打开app,噱头大过实际,为了便宜,好多东西都是貌似品牌,这点让人非常不爽。感觉app呈现的和黄峥说的不一样,让我很迷茫。

03. Netizen J: I don't know where Pinduoduo's advantage lies. When I opened the app, the gimmick was greater than the actual product. In order to save money, many things are seemlingly brand names, which is very annoying. The presentation of the app seems different from what Huang Zheng said, which makes me confused.


Duan Yongping: If you really look carefully, someday you will understand. (2018-07-24)


Netizen J: I used to live within the Fifth Ring Road and registered to use Pinduoduo only in recent weeks. I have placed several orders on Pinduoduo and have initially looked at some information. I feel that although Pinduoduo also has shortcomings, it cannot conceal its rapid development, innovative model, powerful machine algorithm, and a bit of fun when shopping, etc. The amount per order, user duration, monthly activity, etc. of Pinduoduo are all continuously increasing. Think about it, Pinduoduo has only 2,000 employees now, while JD.com has 157,000 employees. I remember Mr. Duan said that a business model that requires a relatively large number of employees is not a good business model. These are just my personal thoughts.


Netizen K: Recently, I have been looking at information and the app of Pinduoduo, purchased several items on it, and have been thinking about Pinduoduo. Here are some personal opinions, which may not be correct. 1. Under the influence of Mr. Duan, Huang Zheng has gradually established a humble corporate culture, consumer orientation, and differentiated competition. 2. A large industry with continuous growth (the social consumer goods retail industry) and a sub-industry with continuous growth (the online retail industry). The number of online shoppers is also continuously increasing. 3. The current core users are downgraded Internet consumers who were rarely reached before (they do not recognize many brands and have not yet reached the stage where they rely on brands to identify products), and an un-cultivated differentiated industry. 4. Shopping APP without searching, machine algorithm push, gamification, fun, and future empowerment of the supply chain. 5. Details such as no shopping cart and password-free payment are well done, and the conversion rate is very high. 6. The Pinduoduo team is excellent in solving problems during development, including fake and inferior products. Competitors don't know how to throw a punch against Pinduoduo now.


Of course, Rome was not built in a day. Huang Zheng once said, "I want to build a Disneyland, but now there are only two carousels." "Low prices are one of the means to obtain users in stages" (currently the IPO company is in the quiet period before listing, so I should say less).


Duan Yongping: I haven't used Pinduoduo yet, but I have high trust in Huang Zheng! Give him 10 years, and everyone will see how powerful they are. It's normal for Pinduoduo to have some problems since it has only been established for less than three years. I think they will be very powerful in 10 years if they can have 10 years. (2018-07-22)


Duan Yongping: Look at what Huang Zheng said and think about Pinduoduo in 10 years. (2018-07-26)

03. 我觉得拼多多有点像线上costco好市多)。

03. I think Pinduoduo is a bit like an online Costco.


Duan Yongping: This is indeed what Pinduoduo wants to achieve (2018-07-28).


Netizen: What is the business model of Pinduoduo? It must not be about everyone gathering together for wholesale, right?


Duan Yongping: Costco+Disney, this definition is quite interesting, and it's hard to find a better definition.

04. 网友:拼多多用一段时间了,体验还不错,确实有的东西比较次,但价格真便宜,渠道上他们一定做了优化。就看你买什么东西了,确实就像黄峥说的,不要光听什么消费升级的概念,有的东西就不用升级呀,比如厨房里的用纸。总之:拼多多好不好,谁用谁知道。

04. Netizen: I've been using Pinduoduo for a while, and the experience is not bad. Some things are indeed of lower quality, but the prices are really cheap. They must have optimized their channels. It depends on what you buy, indeed as Huang Zheng said, don't just listen to the concept of consumption upgrade, some things don't need to be upgraded, such as kitchen paper. In short: whether Pinduoduo is good or not, only those who use it know.


Duan Yongping: The definition of quality is actually consistency (2018-07-27).

05. 网友:廉价、降级这类的我一点都不介意,关心的是拼多多“长期”“纵容”甚至“支持”山寨,朋友圈里和群里都在传“以下很多品牌恭祝拼多多上市:小米新品、松下新品、老于妈、雷碧、康帅傅、七匹狠、必相印……”,加上创维公司的维权声明,个个义愤填膺、讽刺鄙夷。今天我在拼多多的app上一个个搜索了,都没找到,反倒是在淘宝上看到不少“七匹狠”。这样就放心了。可惜一只没开美股账户啊。

05. Netizen: I don't mind things being cheap or downgraded at all. What concerns me is that Pinduoduo "long-term" "condones" or even "supports" shanzhai (counterfeit goods). Many brands are rumored to congratulate Pinduoduo on its listing: new products from Xiaomii, Panasonik, Old mother, Sprit, Kangshuai Fu, Seven Wolve, Bi Xiangyin... Plus the declaration of rights protection from Skyworth, everyone is indignant and sarcastic. Today I searched for each of them on Pinduoduo's app, but couldn't find them, but I found quite a few "Seven Wolve" on Taobao. That's reassuring. It's a pity that I don't have a U.S. stock account.


Netizen: Pinduoduo has touched the cheese of many competitors, and now there are many soft articles spreading rumors and threats.


Duan Yongping: Being listed is for supervision. Now the supervision has come, although it may not be in the expected form, in the long run, it is very beneficial for Pinduoduo's improvement. I hope Pinduoduo can accept it with an open attitude. It's never too late to mend, and there will be opportunities (2018-07-30).

06. 网友:在看了非常多的有关拼多多、黄峥的资料后,昨天买入了拼多多的股票,能和段总成为同一家的股东,开心

06. Netizen: After reading a lot of information about Pinduoduo and Huang Zheng, I bought some Pinduoduo stocks yesterday. It feels great to become a shareholder with Mr. Duan,I'm so happy.

段永平:我今天(7. 28)也买了些拼多多。虽然我已经有不少了,而且价格便宜很多,但我还是想再多买些。我已经好些年没有买公司的欲望了,但我觉得有机会的话,我会多买些拼多多。我相信企业文化的力量!拼多多股票10年内是我不会考虑卖的,但有机会我会考虑买。(2018-07-28)

Duan Yongping: I also bought some Pinduoduo today (7.28). Although I already have quite a few, and the price is much cheaper, I still want to buy more. I haven't had the desire to buy company stocks for many years, but if there is an opportunity, I will buy more Pinduoduo. I believe in the power of corporate culture! I won't consider selling Pinduoduo stocks in the next 10 years, but I will consider buying if there is an opportunity (2018-07-28).

07. 网友:现在买拼多多会不会有点当年买网易的感觉。我感觉有些企业所处的环境变化快,从生意模式上的确不好把握。但是坚持做对的事情,加上持之以恒把事情做对的努力,胜出的概率会大很多。

07. Netizen: Buying Pinduoduo now feels a bit like buying NetEase back then. I feel that some companies are in a rapidly changing environment, and it's really difficult to grasp from a business model perspective. But persisting in doing the right thing, coupled with persistent efforts to do things right, increases the probability of winning.


Duan Yongping: My statement is not enough to be considered as investment advice. Currently, Pinduoduo is under very fierce attack, and no one knows what the impact will be. Although I don't think it will affect the business, I see many articles that seem to be organized, compare those articles written about me, and you'll understand my meaning. If Pinduoduo can overcome these difficulties, it seems that making 20-30 billion RMB in profit from its traffic in a year should not be a problem, right? As for what price to buy this company, it's not something I can answer (2018-07-31).

08. 网友:您觉得现在拼多多的股价相对于公司价值有多便宜?机会成本而言,现在的拼多多股票跟苹果股票相比,是不是更有吸引力一些?

08. Netizen: How cheap do you think the current stock price of Pinduoduo is relatively to the company's value? In terms of opportunity cost, is Pinduoduo's stock more attractive than Apple's stock?


Duan Yongping: From a 10-year perspective, it's clear that Pinduoduo has more opportunities but also more risks. This is definitely not an investment recommendation. I believe it is very possible for the stock to fall below the IPO price someday, and it's highly probable that people will consider today's price as cheap in 10 years. So, I'll wait until after the IPO before making any decisions, haha. (2018-07-31)

09. 网友:研究了一段时间。还是没搞明白拼多多和阿里京东等传统电商比竞争优势在哪,能否指点迷津?

09. Netizen: I've been studying for a while. I still don't understand what advantages Pinduoduo has over traditional e-commerce players like Alibaba and JD.com. Can you give me some guidance?


Duan Yongping: You'll understand in a few years. (2018-08-03)

10. 网友:黄峥说拼多多是撞上了好运。

10. Netizen: Huang Zheng said that Pinduoduo had some good luck.


Duan Yongping: Huang Zheng is a practical person. It's true that Pinduoduo had some luck, but it's definitely not just luck. (2018-09)

11. 网友:最近对拼多多一直在关注,也下载了拼多多的App,做了些用户体验,自己有一些粗浅的看法,还望段大哥和诸位球友指正。拼多多现在主要是通过拼团+社交+营销来吸引买家,未来想做到Costco+Disney(好事多+迪士尼),做到C2M。那它的生意模式有多大的护城河呢?拼团现在巴巴和京东已经开始模仿,并实施了,但基于微信的社交电商,巴巴和京东应该学不了。而未来,Costco+Disney,C2M,大家都可以学,但谁做得更好,就要看企业文化和企业领导人了。黄峥是段大哥的徒弟,坚守本分和以消费者为导向的经营理念。我看好。学段大哥,我对拼多多未来的股价也做了个粗略的毛估估。拼多多现在有3.44亿活跃买家,未来十年,到5亿活跃买家应该问题不大。拼多多现在年GMV是2600亿,未来十年到2万亿应该是大概事件。如果给个2%货币化率,那么营收是400亿。给个50%的成本支出,那么净利润是200亿(相当于从每人身上一年挣40人民币),约等于30亿美元。现在拼多多有11亿总股数,阿里巴巴的P/E=47,亚马逊的P/E=384,京东P/E=271。如果我们取保守P/E=20,那么拼多多未来的股价=($30/11)*20=$55。

11. Netizen: I've been paying close attention to Pinduoduo lately and I've downloaded their app and tried it out. I have some thoughts and would appreciate it if Mr. Duan and fellow friends could correct me. Pinduoduo mainly attracts buyers through group buying, social interactions, and marketing. In the future, they want to achieve the level of Costco+Disney, and do C2M. How big is their moat in this business model? Group buying is now being copied by Alibaba and JD.com, but they can't copy the WeChat-based social e-commerce aspect. However, in the future, Costco+Disney and C2M can be learned by everyone, but who can do it better depends on corporate culture and leadership. Huang Zheng is Mr. Duan's disciple and adheres to a consumer-centric business philosophy. I'm optimistic about Pinduoduo. Learning from Mr. Duan, I've made a rough estimate of Pinduoduo's future stock price. Pinduoduo now has 344 million active buyers, and reaching 500 million active buyers in the next ten years shouldn't be a problem. Pinduoduo now has an annual GMV of 260 billion yuan, which should reach 2 trillion yuan in the next decade. If we assume a 2% monetization rate, the revenue would be 40 billion yuan. Assuming a 50% cost expense, the net profit would be 20 billion yuan (equivalent to earning 40 yuan per person per year), or about 3 billion US dollars. Pinduoduo currently has 1.1 billion total shares. Alibaba's P/E ratio is 47, Amazon's P/E ratio is 384, and JD.com's P/E ratio is 271. If we assume a conservative P/E ratio of 20, then Pinduoduo's future stock price would be ($30/11)*20=$55.


Duan Yongping: You're good, but you didn't learn this from me. I don't even calculate in this situation! Currently, there's no way to calculate. The only reason I think it's worth investing in is that, given their current growth trajectory, I believe their good culture will eventually have a good chance of producing good results. (2018-08-31)


Netizen: Did Mr. Duan invest in NetEase also as a venture capitalist?


Duan Yongping: NetEase is different. I understand games very well, and at that time, I was very confident that they would make a lot of money in the future. The only thing I didn't know was how much. As for Pinduoduo, at my current level, I still don't know if they can earn profits that justify their current market value. Three years ago, when I invested in Pinduoduo, I didn't know if they could eventually make money. After looking at the data now, I still don't know, but it's clear that their influence has grown tremendously. I now believe that they have a much greater chance of success compared to three years ago.


Netizen: Venture capital?


Duan Yongping: By venture capital, I mean, with this group of people, this kind of culture, and this kind of business model, if they keep developing like this, it's possible that they could share the e-commerce market with Taobao in 10 years, right? If they achieve this, the shareholder return will naturally be high. Where are the risks? If I knew, it wouldn't be venture capital. (2018-09-02)


Netizen: JD.com hasn't made any money, Amazon hasn't made any money, but Taobao has. What about Pinduoduo?


Duan Yongping: From the financial reports, it doesn't seem difficult for Pinduoduo to make money, they just don't need to rush it. (2018-09)


Netizen B: Mr. Duan once predicted that Pinduoduo could earn 20-30 billion yuan a year in the future. With Pinduoduo's team, corporate culture, and business model, I believe this goal is very achievable.


Duan Yongping: It's a guess, not a prediction. The degree of certainty is different.


Netizen B: Some businesses you can imagine how they will make money, like "Pinduoduo". Some businesses are hard to imagine how they can earn money, like "shared bicycles". Mr. Duan's "guess" is "guessing" based on "understanding".


Duan Yongping: I don't understand much, but I know that traffic is often very valuable. They have a lot of traffic, and it all comes from visible business, so monetization isn't a problem. I believe their culture will help them find a non-hasty way. (2018-09-05)




01-28 13:34
