24. 30个商业案例分析 30 Business Case Reviews

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21. 淘宝模式和京东模式

21. Taobao Model and JD.com Model

01. 网友:您觉得中国来说,未来是京东这种B2C强势,还是淘宝强势?我估计又是个美国的翻版?

01. Netizen: Do you think in China's future, will B2C like JD.com be more powerful? Or will Taobao be more powerful? I guess it's a copy of the U.S.?


Duan Yongping: Can they really be compared? (2010-09-16)


Netizen: Mr. Duan, could you share your thoughts on the Taobao model and JD.com model?


Duan Yongping: JD.com's model seems simple, just the process of spending money - financing - spending money. Maybe one day Taobao will become China's largest advertising company. (2010-07-04)


Netizen: May I ask for Dadao's view on the advertising market?


Duan Yongping: The advertising market is huge and almost linearly related to the total economic output. (2019-04-29)

02. 网友:据了解,2010年京东商城营业额预计108亿元,现已完成超过80亿元。分析称开放平台可为其带来较高毛利率,为上市做准备。

02. Netizen: It is understood that in 2010, JD.com's revenue is expected to reach 10.8 billion yuan, and it has already completed over 8 billion yuan. Analysts believe that an open platform can bring high gross margins and prepare for listing.


Duan Yongping: Business without profit is useless no matter how much revenue there is. (2010-09-16)

03. 网友:京东目前没有办法,互联网企业总是这样,先得上量突破平衡点,突破了可能就是一马平川。淘宝如果是C2C模式,淘宝盈利大头应该是广告。但现在的趋势已经出来,就是C2C后端的C数量会逐渐减少,很少的大C取代大量的小C,那么淘宝未来不是广告,而是靠“抽水”提成。

03. Netizen: JD.com currently has no way out. Internet companies are always like this, first reaching a breakthrough point in traffic, and after that, everything becomes smooth sailing. If Taobao operates under C2C mode, the majority of its profits should come from advertising. But now, the trend has emerged that the number of C's in the C2C backend will gradually decrease, with a few large C's replacing many small C's. So Taobao's future lies not in advertising, but in commission fees.


Duan Yongping: If you can't build a "moat", no matter how much money you spend, it will be useless. (2010-07-07)

04. 引用:刘东强:新进2.5万新员工 最大挑战来自团队

04. Quote: Liu Dongqiang: Hiring 25,000 New Employees JD.com's Biggest Challenge Comes from the Team


In 2012, JD.com's biggest challenge still came from the team itself. Liu Dongqiang said that JD.com's executives spent five days recently formulating the company's strategy for the next year, but overall, the biggest challenge in 2012 for JD.com still came from the team, "especially how to welcome over 25,000 new colleagues who will soon join JD.com...


Duan Yongping: With such low margins and such a small turnover, why do they need so many people? This business model doesn't seem very wonderful. (2011-12-28)


Netizen W: It won't be completed by 2013, logistics alone will take at least five years, not to mention the fact that the internet industry must constantly update its technology.


Duan Yongping: Logistics will largely depend on the overall environment, it's not worth the effort to handle logistics by themselves. JD.com's approach will bring long-term difficulties. (2011-09-27)


Duan Yongping: If they really need to increase their staff by so much, why not spread it out over three years instead of trying to complete it within one year? Unless they are superhuman, this method will have significant drawbacks. (2011-12-30)


Netizen J: I used to think that only Jack Ma relied on this suicidal method to do business in China, but it turns out there are even more ruthless ones. They've never been able to make any money! The foolish ones are the PEs (private equity firms).


Duan Yongping: Jack Ma's business model is quite good. (2011-12-28)


Netizen X: I watched Liu Dongqiang's interview with Youmi.com and felt that he is a down-to-earth person. He said that JD.com never sells products at a loss (except for promotions, overall belief): they focus on user experience (their own delivery system is being built and will be separated; I think it will be included in one of China's largest logistics companies). I've encountered people who have spent nearly 100,000 yuan on JD.com and they trust JD.com very much, which helps retain customers. Their system is self-developed, cost-effective, and product prices are controlled automatically by the information system. I really appreciate their management trainee program. Liu Dongqiang said that if they don't invest for the future, they can make money now. I've always had high hopes for JD.com, except that their valuation is too high. Seeing that they are hiring 25,000 new employees (logistics?), I'm a bit worried about if their cash flow and personnel management can keep up; they are moving too fast. If JD.com can survive (which I strongly believe), I think it will surpass Taobao. (Looking at the next five to ten years)


Duan Yongping: What do you mean by "except for promotions"? (2011-12-29)


Netizen X: I mean things like daily special offers, and sometimes JD.com has limited-time flash sales. (Just a few non-widespread items)


Duan Yongping: Even a bad business model can make money for a period of time, but it's tiring, inefficient, and lacks sustainability. Needing a lot of people (relative to turnover and profit) is a characteristic of a bad business model. Additionally, rapidly increasing the number of people in the short term is often dangerous (e.g., adding over 20,000 people within one year on top of the existing 10,000+ employees). Of course, there might be some exceptions, although I haven't seen any yet. (2011-12-29)


Netizen F: How about comparing with Amazon and Walmart? What do you think of their models?


Duan Yongping: Compare the number of employees, turnover, profit, and other indicators between the two sides, I haven't studied them carefully. I have the impression that AMZN's model is good, but WMT probably won't achieve much more. (2011-12-29)


Netizen F: In general, Taobao's model fundamentally can't control product quality and a series of services. That's a weakness. From the consumer's perspective, JD.com comes out on top.


Duan Yongping: If the scale of the two is similar, you might come to different conclusions. (2011-12-19)


Netizen: It also depends on who you compare it with. If I remember correctly, in 2010, JD.com's per capita sales were around 1 million yuan, while GOME was less than 200,000 yuan. Efficiency seems acceptable from this perspective.


Netizen: That has been proven false. The previous statistics were incorrect as they included temporary workers and salespeople. The actual per capita sales should be around 1 million yuan.


Duan Yongping: Logically speaking, adding up two turkeys won't turn them into an eagle. What I'm talking about here is not specifically related to JD.com. It's just my opinion on business models. In five years, everyone will know who was right and wrong. (2011-12-30)

05. 网友:阿里最具前景的业务淘宝,其互联网生意模式并不具有护城河。成功之道是解决了网络支付的信用。但是它没有很好地解决商品信誉和服务信誉。我每个月都会上淘宝买两三样东西,但是最近发生一些令人不愉快的事情,比如我通过旺旺和商家聊天,最后决定不买了,对方会恢复“滚”。这就是我对其远景的担忧。

05. Netizen: Taobao, Alibaba's most promising business, does not have a moat in its internet business model. The key to its success is solving the credit problem in online payments. However, it has not solved the credibility of goods and services. I buy two or three things on Taobao every month, but recently some unpleasant things happened, such as chatting with the seller through Wangwang and deciding not to buy it in the end, and the seller responding with "get lost." This is my concern for its future.

段永平:他那个护城河很宽啊,不然你可以想象一下和他做同样的生意会是 什么感觉就明白了。貌似你还需要进一步搞懂“护城河”的意思。哪里都有很烂的买家和卖家,你碰上个也很正常,但这种不好的卖家未来是没法在淘宝混下去的,这也是淘宝的“护城河”的一部分。(2010-10-11)

Duan Yongping: Its moat is quite wide, otherwise you can imagine how it would feel to do the same business with it. You seem to need to further understand the meaning of "moat." There are bad buyers and sellers everywhere, and it is normal to encounter them, but these bad sellers cannot survive on Taobao in the future, which is also part of Taobao's "moat." (2010-10-11)


Netizen J: I did not question Alibaba and Taobao's business, I just think that Jack Ma is not a good friend for investors, especially in the secondary market. People who do not respect shareholders will not get their respect! The business model I respect more is added value, like Apple. I underwrote an enterprise listing in Hong Kong, called Carpenter Tan, and I also respect it.


Duan Yongping: I have seen many companies that claim "shareholders first." Due to their short-term behavior to please "Wall Street," their poor performance eventually leads to the loss of shareholder interests. Jack Ma is actually one of the most respectful of shareholder interests. When I personally invest, I prefer this type of "shareholders come third" company, and I am most afraid of the "shareholders first" type of company. (2012-01-02)

06. 网友:京东改用JD.com为域名,并用“金属狗”为吉祥物,淘宝为“天猫”,看来“猫狗大战第三部”开始了。

06. Netizen: JD.com changed its domain name to JD.com and used "Metal Dog" as its mascot. Taobao is "Tmall." It seems that the "cat and dog war part 3" has begun.


Duan Yongping: Competition between trillion-level and billion-level companies is generally not called a war, right? (2013-04-01)

07. 网友:段总能不能说说为什么不看好京东

07. Netizen: Can Mr. Duan explain why you don't think highly of JD.com?


Duan Yongping: I didn't say I don't think highly of it, I just don't know much about it. However, as an industry insider, I really can't come up with a reason to be particularly optimistic about it. (2010-09-16)


Netizen: Jack Ma said that JD.com is destined to be a tragedy. I think I understand it to some extent, I think JD.com's model has problems, and I also think Alibaba is good, but I can't explain where it is good. How does Mr. Duan see it?


Duan Yongping: Jack Ma said it very clearly, but he shouldn't have said it outside the bathhouse. You should take a closer look and slowly figure it out. (2015-01-09)



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