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$吉利德科学(GILD)$ 吉列德负责抗病毒临床试验负责人接受采访表达了对芝加哥大学临床试验的看法,还是非常低调和客观的,没有浮夸,强调这还是个案,需要更多评估。Diana Brainard is nowhere near close to celebrating.

Dr. Brainard is the head of antiviral clinical research at Gilead Sciences, the Bay Area biotech giant whose drug portfolio includes the antiviral medicine remdesivir. On Thursday, Stat, the superb medical-news website, reported some of the leaked results of a pair of Phase 3 clinical trials of the drug at the University of Chicago. Of 113 patients with severe cases of Covid-19 who were treated with daily infusions of remdesivir, most were discharged from the hospital in under a week, and only two died.

That sounds like fantastically good news, but Dr. Brainard has caveats and cautions. The Chicago story, she told me in a phone interview this week, is still anecdotal. The trial did not include a control group. Hard data, once it comes, can be hard to interpret. “We have to assess whether the drug is working without having a clear picture of what is typical with this disease,” she says.