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$吉利德科学(GILD)$ CNN最新消息:这周法国会公布四种疗法的测试结果:

First coronavirus treatment test results due at end of week, says French minister

From Ya Chun Wang and Benjamin Berteau in Paris

The first test results for various coronavirus treatments will be made available later this week, the French Minister of Research Frédérique Vidal said Monday.

The clinical trials of four possible treatments began a week ago, and involve more than 3,000 volunteers across Europe.

According to France’s National Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM), the trials are analyzing the efficacy and tolerance of therapeutic options for patients within a controlled timeframe.

The four treatments being tested are:
Remdesivir, which was used to treat Ebola
Lopinavir-Ritonavir, known as an anti-HIV treatment
Hydroxychloroquine, known for treating malaria.
and interferon-beta


2020-03-30 21:53


2020-03-30 23:03


2020-03-30 21:50
