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$吉利德科学(GILD)$ “I don’t think the ongoing trials will tell us a lot,” says H. Clifford Lane, clinical director at the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, who is overseeing ongoing studies at the NIH, including its remdesivir study. “The studies might give us some hint, but I do think it will be important to get a study launched that focuses on early disease”—before it becomes severe.

A likely scenario is that several studies “don’t reach statistical significance but show a similar result, and that might be enough to say we should probably be using this,” Lane says. “It’s really hard to know what to do.”瑞德西韦这些临床试验结果可能无法在统计上显著,但是如果试验的结果相似,就足以让我们使用它


2020-03-28 08:26
