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$应用光电(AAOI)$ 原来林博士是CSO/CFO Stefan Murry在Houston大学电子工程与计算机系的博士生导师,很坚实的关系。
While working on his Ph.D., Murry and his primary advisor, Dr. Thompson Lin, founded Applied Optoelectronics Inc. In 1999, the firm obtained venture capital funding and expanded its production capacity to a level that would allow it to be a competitive supplier of lasers to the telecommunications industry.


2023-07-18 08:39

$未名医药(SZ002581)$ 联想到未名医药就很可惜了,本来也算是师生关系,结果闹到不仅把好好的有超级投资价值的资产弄成只有清算价值的资产,还把自己给弄进去了。
真要向AAOI林博士学习一下怎么当老师教书育人。每次电话会的大段讲话和分析师答问全让Stefan Murry 负责,只有关键要点需要补充的时候林博士才插几句话。